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Make Dreams Come True, Father Accompanied His Son to the UTBK-SNBT 2024 Test at UI

A total of 25,622 participants in the second wave of the National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) took the test at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), both at UI Salemba Campus and Depok Campus from May 14 to 20, 2024. Until today, a number of parents were still seen accompanying and waiting for their children to take the exam.

Jumadi, one of the parents of a participant who took the exam at the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), waited for his son around the canteen. “I came here by train with my son from Cilebut, Bogor Regency. I wanted to accompany my child to take the test here at UI,” said Jumadi.

He added that his child is his fifth child, “My son wants to study at UI majoring in office administration he said, I as a parent certainly support and encourage his wishes.” Jumadi also said that his son had studied hard and prepared for the exam carefully, through practice and learn materials on the internet.

As the head of a family that works as an electronic service provider and has nine children, Jumadi admits that he has to support them with his meager income. Fortunately, his fifth children were KIP awardees, so he did not have to pay. Jumadi hopes that his son can pass the exam and do well in college so that he can raise the family’s status and be able to help his younger siblings’ education.

For many students, UTBK-SNBT is not just about achieving goals, but also about realizing dreams and fulfilling parents’ expectations. In addition, as one of the main role models in the educational journey for children, parents will lovingly and dedicatedly lead their children to the gates of college in order to gain success and success later on.

Meanwhile, for UTBK-SNBT participants who have not yet taken the exam, participants are advised to know the exam location the day before the exam takes place and to be present at the location one hour before the exam starts. In addition, participants are also required to bring complete documents when taking the exam, such as a Participant Identity Card and a legalized photocopy of a high school / vocational / MA / equivalent diploma or a Certificate of Graduation (SKL) or a Certificate of being in class XII from the Principal equipped with a recent color photo of the person concerned and affixed with a school stamp or identity card (original).

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