Apart from its exotic natures, various regions in Indonesia also present historical tours that are interesting to visit. Seeing this potential, the development of ecotourism continues to be promoted by the government in order to increase positive impacts on society and environmental sustainability.
Last July, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) launched the Towards Climate Positive Tourism through Decarbonization and Eco-Tourism program. The program aims to encourage tourists to take part in quality and sustainable tourism activities that will reduce carbon emissions in the tourism sector.
As a form of support for the program, Nature Lovers Students of Universitas Indonesia (Mapala UI) held a panel discussion entitled “Carbon Neutral Climbing: A Form of Concern for Nature and Post-Pandemic Tourism” at the Secretariat of UI Alumni Association, UI Salemba Campus, last Saturday (1/10). This discussion invited several speakers with various backgrounds, namely Dinni Septianingrum, founder of the environmental care organization #SeaSoldier; Andi Pananrang, Community Officer #SayaPilihBumi; Bogar Baskoro as Strategic Partnerships Lead Jejak.in; and Raditya Anggoro, Chief Executive of Baka-Raya Project as well as a prospective member of Mapala UI.
This discussion activity became a forum to voice the environmentally friendly tourism and climbing movement in a carbon-neutral manner from varied perspectives towards more than 150 viewers who were dominated by nature lovers students from all over Indonesia. Basically, the principle of carbon-neutral climbing is that climbing is done by calculating, replacing, and reducing carbon emissions during the climb.
“Carbon neutral is our effort to provide a place to absorb the carbon emissions we have produced. Excess CO2 compounds on earth cause the earth to heat up and then there is what we commonly know as climate change. In dealing with this excess carbon emission, we recognize the term carbon neutral,” Dinni said.
Carbon-neutral climbing involves three things: calculating, replacing and reducing emissions. “Carbon calculation is the first foundation to deal with global warming. We can start implementing it from our daily activities. The most important thing is that each of us must first realize that almost every activity we do produces carbon emissions,” Bogar said.
Meanwhile, the application of carbon neutrality is not only done in climbing, but also in other activities in nature as Radit said. “Carbon neutrality can also be applied to other types of nature activities, such as rafting. This can be done since the trip planning by paying attention to the carbon-emitting components that are likely to appear during the activity,” Radit said.
The panel discussion was part of Baka-Raya Project series, an activity organized by Inauguration Special Unit (BKP) of Mapala UI 2022 for prospective Mapala UI members and as a form of the campaign of carbon-neutral tourism and climbing. Previously, Mapala UI had contributed to advancing the region by conducting a carbon-neutral climbing campaign; opening a new path for climbing Bukit Raya Mount; and initiating a social project for Read Corner in Bukit Baka and Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBBR), Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, last August. “With the theme of carbon-neutral climbing, it is hoped that (prospective Mapala UI members) can help preserve the environment in the midst of the global climate crisis. Hopefully, this movement can motivate the wider community to care more about the natural environment,” said Magkma, Head of Mapala UI.