The Master Programme of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI), has recently acquired “Excellent” accreditation from the National Accreditation Board – Higher Education (BAN-PT). As per 2020, accreditation ratings have been changed from A, B, and C to Excellent, Very Good, and Good, according to BAN-PT’s official website. Programmes possessing Accreditation A may shift their accreditation status to its “Excellent” equivalent by means of a Supplementary Conversion Instrument (ISK) or carry out conversion from international accreditation.
ISK is used to convert accreditation ranks awarded by the 7 Standards Accreditation Instrument to those recognised by the 9 Criteria Accreditation Instrument. The basic principle underlying conversion of accreditation is the fulfillment of requirements outline in BAN-PT Regulations Nos. 3 and 5 of 2019. There are two other requirements to be fulfilled: the fulfillment of SN-Dikti standards and transition towards Outcome Based Accreditation.
The dean of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si., M.M., expressed his appreciation of all efforts undertaken by staff, lecturers, and students involved in the faculty’s newest achievement. “FIA UI Master Programme’s ‘Excellent’ accreditation will definitely encourage us to keep improving the quality of our study programmes until [it has satisfied] international standards. I hope that all programmes in FIA UI can reach and maintain ‘Excellent’ accreditation so that FIA UI’s quality will be increasingly recognised.”
The Master Programme of Administration’s newly acquired ‘Excellent’ Accreditation is recorded in BAN-PT Decree No. 2564/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/M/IV/2022. The accreditation of a master programme is based on evaluation of the vision, mission, aims, and goals; governance, manangement, and cooperation; students; human resources; finance, facilities, and infrastructure; and Tri Dharma (the three main tenets of Indonesian universities, i.e. studies, research, and community service) output and achievement, of the programme and its managing unit. .