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Master’s Specialization in Process Intensification Technology Has Been Opened at FTUI


Under the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTK FTUI), in the 2023/2024 academic year, new specializations have been opened for the Master’s Program, one of which is Process Intensification Technology. Master’s Specialization in Process Intensification Technology emphasizes the field of process intensification in liquid waste treatment.

Rapid industrial development and growth have implications for increasing water pollution in terms of quantity and quality. Various types of new pollutants appear in the environment, which are called “new emerging pollutants”. These pollutants appear in various forms of chemical compounds and are identified as harmful to the environment, even in very small concentrations (trace). Because of the nature of this toxicity, various regulations regarding the pollution of these materials also continue to develop and become more stringent.

“Liquid waste processing is one of the important solutions to address the increasing demand for clean water amidst the limited amount of water available by reusing and recycling wastewater. However, new pollutants arising from industrial processes are difficult to process with conventional wastewater treatment processes. Therefore, process intensification in liquid waste treatment is important,” said Dean of FTUI Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU.

Process Intensification Technology is an engineering specialization that leads to smaller, cleaner, and more energy-efficient technologies. This specialization seeks to produce graduates who are educated, knowledgeable, and reliable in managing issues related to the environment, especially wastewater treatment so that they will be able to contribute directly to addressing the problems of waste management, environmental pollution, and clean water crisis.

“In simple terms, process intensification is any development of process engineering that leads to technologies that are smaller, cleaner, and more energy efficient. In the liquid waste treatment process, among the processes included are membrane-based liquid waste treatment processes, advanced oxidation processes such as plasma technology and ozone technology, and many more,” said Head of DTK FTUI Dr. Bambang Heru Susanto, S.T., M.T.

With the addition of this new specialization, the number of specializations available for the Masters’s Program at DTK FTUI has expanded to eight specializations. The eight specializations are Gas Technology, Industrial Catalysts, Environmental Protection & Work Safety, Chemical Process & Product Design, Gas Management, Sustainable Energy and Processes, Process Safety Management, and Process Intensification Technology.

Currently, FTUI manages 12 master’s study programs, which are Multidisciplinary Master’s Study Program in Urban Regional Planning, Multidisciplinary Master’s Study Program in Energy Systems Engineering, Master’s Study Program in Civil Engineering, Master’s Program in Environmental Engineering, Master’s Program in Mechanical Engineering, Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering, Master’s Program in Biomedical Technology, Master’s Program in Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Master’s Program in Material Integrity Management (MIM), Master’s Program in Architecture, Master’s Program in Chemical Engineering, and Master’s Program in Industrial Engineering.

Further explanation regarding the Master’s program in FTUI can be seen at and SIMAK UI ( Registration can be done via the website

Author: Public Relations of FTUI | Editor: Finda Salsabila

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