Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a UI Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Workshop on Procedures for Preparing POB and Accountable Performance Reports in the UI Environment, on Monday (25/09), at the Convention Hall, UI Depok Campus. This activity aimed to socialize procedures in preparing accountable performance reports for monitoring and evaluation actors in each work unit, both at the University Administration Center (PAU) level and Faculties/Schools and Vocational Education Programs. When opening the workshop, Head of Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management, Evaluation And Monitoring (TREM) UI, Vishnu Juwono, Ph.D., said, “This workshop is a means for us at UI to learn about best practices from the monitoring and evaluation process of two Ministries that are very influential and have relatively well-established systems, namely the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.”
This workshop presented three speakers, namely: Coordinator of the Performance Accountability Function of the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture (Kemendikbud) Research and Technology (Ristek), Dr. Cyti Daniela Aruan, MHRM; Middle Auditor and Young Auditor of Inspectorate VI of the Ministry of Finance, Nugroho Setyo Utomo and Devi Nurmalasari. The material discussed by the Ministry of Finance speakers was regarding Performance Reporting (Performance Report Module in the SPASIKITA application), as well as Monitoring Evaluation of Organizational Performance within the Ministry of Finance, and Evaluation of Government Performance Accountability (AKIP) within the Ministry of Finance.
Presidential Decree No. 29 Year 20 and Presidential Decree No. 29 Year 2014 states, the Performance Report is an overview that briefly and completely explains performance achievements prepared based on work plans established in the context of implementing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget/Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN/APBD ). Meanwhile, Permenpan No. 53 Year 2014 states that Work Reports are the most important thing required in preparing performance reports as performance measurement and evaluation as well as adequate disclosure of the analysis result of performance measurements.
Preparing performance reports is very important in increasing work unit accountability, providing feedback for improving performance, improving performance planning, measuring the success and failure of work units, getting work units accustomed to carrying out tasks and functions well, openly and responsibly. The main components of the work report include strategic plans, performance agreements, and performance measurements.
Based on President Decree no. 29 Year 2014, it is explained that SAKIP is a systematic series of various activities, tools, and procedures designed for the purposes of determining and measuring, collecting data, classifying, summarizing, and reporting performance in government agencies, in the context of accountability and improving the performance of government agencies. Apart from that, there are components of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) which include performance planning, performance measurement, performance reporting, and performance evaluation.
SAKIP certainly has a very influential role in improving the performance of an agency “SAKIP exists to monitor organizational performance in public agencies. If the implementation of this SAKIP can be carried out better by a public agency, it will surely improve the performance of that agency, as public agencies are meant to provide services to the community. It is without a doubt that when the performance accountability system or SAKIP, or quality improves, it will have an impact on the services that will be provided to the community, and the community will definitely be able to experience the better services from these public agencies.” said Dr. Cyti.
In theory, an important thing in performance accountability is the involvement of the leadership of each work unit. Dr. Cyti said, “We surely hope that the leadership of each work unit is aware of the importance of performance reports or SAKIP workshops in general.” According to her, with the involvement of leaders in the performance reporting process, they can provide input on performance reports directly themselves. Later, the information in the performance report will act as a communication tool for leaders to carry out better work strategies to improve organizational performance or the performance of the work unit they lead.
Meanwhile at the Ministry of Finance, performance management within the Ministry of Finance is a series of activities to optimize resources to improve organizational and employee performance in order to achieve organizational goals. The Performance Management System Framework includes the Formulation, Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance Management System.
“Performance planning uses a Balanced Score Card (BSC) based performance management system and also considers risk management through a process of analyzing external and internal conditions,” said Nugroho Setyo Utomo. Meanwhile, performance implementation includes: the process of achieving performance targets, namely the process carried out by units to achieve performance targets, monitoring and coaching performance through the Organizational Performance Dialogue (DKO) forum as well as changing and establishing Performance Agreements.
Devi Nurmalasari further said, “The implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance Management System is carried out by internal and external ministries. Internally in the ministry, namely through performance management reviews and independent evaluation of AKIP. Monitoring and evaluation is also carried out externally through AKIP evaluations by the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) and other independent parties.”