Holivia Almira Jacinta (Team Leader), Deva Anggriawan, and Latifah Fajri Nur Azizah, who are members of the Nursing First Aid (NuFA) Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) recorded achievements in the Pre-Hospital Emergency Management Competition in Cardiac and Trauma Emergencies , which was organized by the Association of Indonesian Emergency and Disaster Nurses (Hipgabi) East Java, at Airlangga University, on Saturday (2/7). This competition was participated by 108 teams consisting of nursing students from the regular pathway (D3, S1, and professions), volunteers, and student activity units.
The competition is divided into two categories, namely Cardiac Emergency Management and Trauma Emergency Management. Among the 68 teams that competed in the Cardiac Emergency Management category, the team from FIK UI won 3rd Place.
The Cardiac Emergency Management Competition looks at how to treat cardiac arrest with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, while the Trauma Emergency Management sees the first action on musculoskeletal injuries that are usually experienced by accident victims. This competition assesses how to provide first aid in cases of cardiac arrest and keep the victim stable before receiving further treatment at the hospital. The competition also assessed how the team communicated and shared roles in dealing with cases of trauma and cardiac arrest.
When dealing with victims, as team leader, Holivia is in charge of reviewing and arranging management according to the American Heart Association algorithm (handling flow). First, the team leader must ensure the safety of the rescue team by looking at their surroundings—if in a pandemic condition, the team must wear hazmat/PPE and masks. Next, the victim and the surrounding environment must also be secured. The team will pave the way if there is a crowd so the victim can breathe. .
The initial check is intended to check whether the victim can respond to the rescue team’s orders. If the victim is unable to respond, further examination of the circulation, airway, and breathing (systematic CAB in cardiopulmonary resuscitation). The examination is carried out simultaneously for 10 seconds to find the pulse. After the initial checks, Deva and Latifah were tasked with handling logistics (holding a device to provide breathing assistance and using a defibrillator), paving the way, and focusing on chest compressions. `
The thing that rescue teams must know when identifying victims is the difference between a heart attack sufferer and a cardiac arrest. A heart attack occurs when a blood vessel is blocked. In this condition, the patient can still respond to certain situations and the patient’s pulse is still there. Meanwhile, in cases of cardiac arrest, there is an electrical problem in the heart that can be checked with an automated external defibrillator (AED). If the victim is unresponsiveand the pulse is not detected, it is certain that the patient is in cardiac arrest
The achievements achieved by Holivia and the team cannot be separated from the support of the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) supervisors who accompanied during the preparation and implementation of the competition. The supervising lecturers are Muhammad Adam, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB.; Ns. Chiyar Edison, S.Kep., M.Sc.; Ns. Rona Cahyantari Merduaty, S.Kep., M.AdvN; and Ns. Indah Permata Sari, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom.
“This competition trains the mental health of health workers when they are under pressure. We also become aware of emergency situations that may occur. We thank Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) and the supervisors who helped during this competition,” said Holivia on behalf of her team.
Through this competition, the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) team was able to measure the extent of their abilities in the field of pre-hospital cardiacemergencies. In addition, the departing contingent was facilitated by Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) and NuFA to be trained by advancedlecturers in this field so that students were interested in participating in this competition. They are aware of the role and responsive communication between members is the key to NuFA’s success. Therefore, the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) team continues to practice in order to have sharp intuition when handling cases.