Stunting is a growth disorder in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, which is from the pregnancy until the child is 2 years old. Unfortunately, interventions for pregnant women and children under the age of two are often too late, especially if the pregnant woman has already suffered from anaemia, and the child has not gained weight for more than one month.
Without proper interventions, stunting can cause a variety of negative impacts in the short and long term, from the individual to the community level within the unity of a country, starting from susceptibility to disease to loss of productivity and low competitiveness. For this reason, prevention or intervention from upstream is very necessary.
The importance of preventing stunting by meeting nutritional needs in adolescence has encouraged the community service team (pengmas) of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) to carry out activities to improve health, nutrition, and youth productivity at SMAN 69 Jakarta, Pramuka Island, the Administrative District of Seribu Islands, in early September then.
“Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that is not only characterized by a child’s lack of height but also increases the risk of non-communicable diseases and decreases productivity in the future. Prevention is considered too late if it is only done in the First 1,000 Days of Life period. Hence, interventions must be carried out more upstream, starting from adolescence, as they are the prospective brides and mothers,” said Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs of FKM UI Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, M.Sc.
This educational activity for teenagers uses Android-based Online Games and Healthy Youth Module. Online Games “Nutrition Impact” captured the attention and appreciation of the students. The interesting animation and storyline made the students happy to play the game even though they were unconsciously trying to meet the targets set in order to level up. Information about nutrition and health is contained in each level of the game.
To complement the students’ understanding of nutrition and health that is gamified, the information is provided through Healthy Youth Module. The information is valid and based on the results of scientific research.
This module covers a wide range of topics related to stunting prevention, such as anaemia in adolescents. This material is important to deliver because adolescent girls who experience anaemia into adulthood and pregnancy are at risk of bleeding during childbirth, premature delivery, low birth weight babies (LBW) and low birth length (PBLR).
In addition, this module also discusses the impact of early marriage. Adolescents will experience the risk of stunted or stopped growth (thus, they will not reach their optimal height), due to competing nutritional needs between the growth of pregnant adolescent girls (rematriates) as well as their fetuses.
Another important material presented in this module is balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for adolescents, for example, consumption of balanced nutritious food, 8 hours of adequate rest, regular weighing, regular exercise, consuming enough water and not smoking. Diet and physical activity are important for adolescents to know and practice in order to grow into productive and competitive individuals.
The Head of Community Service FKM UI Nurul Dina Rahmawati, S.Gz., M.Sc. said this activity was carried out in a hybrid manner followed by two online meetings via zoom. This was intended to strengthen students’ understanding of nutrition and health in adolescents. This activity is expected to increase not only knowledge but also attitudes and behavior of adolescents in order to increase achievement and productivity.
This activity was also attended by the Principal of SMAN 69 Jakarta Sugeng Wibowo and 28 students from various student activity groups, from President and Vice President of the Student Council to the Scouting Board.