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Opening Opportunities for Collaboration on Student Exchange Mobility, UI Received a Visit from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

In achieving the eight Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that have been established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 754/P/2020 and Number 3/M/2021, Universitas Indonesia (UI) conducted various efforts in implementing the KPI. One of the efforts made is to collaborate with world-class universities and partners in various forms, such as internships; exchange of students, lecturers, and staff; curriculum, absorption of graduates, research, and others.

Secretary of UI dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D. welcomed the visit of a delegation from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia at the University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus, on Monday (17/01). The two universities discussed the potential for inter-university collaboration. This meeting aims to open opportunities for cooperation to facilitate the mobility of student exchanges between universities, especially in the academic and research fields. The exploration of this collaboration is one of UI’s efforts in realizing KPI 2 and KPI 6.

In her welcoming speech, dr. Agustin said that UI and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia had previously established several collaborations. UI encourages providing opportunities for students to study outside the campus such as student exchanges, credit learning to broaden knowledge and opportunities to explore other interests, conduct research or participate in research at one of the centers of research institutes and foreign institutions, study entrepreneurship in companies or startups, community service program with certain themes related to environmental issues in a region, and others.

“This is UI’s motivation to build collaboration with UI partners especially for encouraging students to participate in student exchanges and research. In addition, UI also dispatches and invites lecturers to teach at partner universities, as well as supports faculties to work together. This is a good opportunity for us to increase cooperation regarding the mobility of students and educators between universities as well as credit learning and activities to develop courses. Joint degrees or double degrees, joint research, and joint publications with certain topics are also things that need to be developed to advance research with our colleagues abroad. It is our hope that this visit will be a trigger for firm cooperation between universities,” said dr. Agustin.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr. Roseli Md. Illias and Deputy Director of UTM Press Yosman Mohd Bain responded to the explanation given by dr. Agustin. “Student exchange is one of the things that we have highlighted as a good opportunity for both universities. We want to see opportunities in joint research in a project that we can do together with matching grants, through the exploration of joint publications which we will provide matching funds later. Meanwhile, we can also organize a joint CSR program in the form of a community program, exchange of educators to see how the concept of entrepreneurship is developed between universities, and cooperation between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Press and UI Publishing, such as translating books and exchanging titles that we want to develop and collaborate with UI,” said Prof. Dr. Rosli. Based on the previous signing of the MoU, the aim of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia this time is to review greater cooperation in various fields of research with UI in the future.

Apart from dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., the visit of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was welcomed by Dean of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UI Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, MS., DSc; Director of Research and Development UI Munawar Khalil, S.Sc., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D; Director of Innovation and Science Techno Park Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.U.P., Ph.D; Head of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau UI Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si; Head of UI Publishing Ayudha dharma Prayoga, SE, M.Sc; General Manager of UI Publishing Dwi Wibowo; Secretary of Modernization and Internationalization of Education Unit, Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, Fadhilah Muslim, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC; Manager of Cooperation, Venture and Alumni FTUI Dr.-Ing. Ir. Dalhar Susanto; Manager of Research and Community Service FKM UI Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, S.KM., MKKK., Ph.D.D; Head of Sub-Directorate for Strategic Project Cooperation, Directorate of Cooperation UI, Aswin Dewanto Hadisumarto, S.E., M.I.A.; Head of Sub-Directorate for Research Cooperation Development drg. Masita Mandasari. Ph. D. Sp.PM .; and Head of Public Health Undergraduate Study Program UI Dr. Robiana Modjo, SKM, M. Kes.

Meanwhile, a delegation from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia who attended was Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Roseli Md. Ilias; Chairman of the Research Alliance in Innovative Engineering Prof. Dr. Abu Sahmah Mohd Supa’at; Director of UTM Pagoh Prof. Ts. Dr. Safian Sharif; Chairman of Research Alliance in Smart Digital Community Prof. Dr. Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakr; Chairman of the Research Alliance in Health and Wellness Assoc. Prof. Ts. Ir. Dr. Roshanida A. Rahman; Deputy Director of UTM Press Yosman Mohd Bain; Senior Assistant Registrar of UTM Press Fasihah Mohd Jaslan; Senior Publication Officer of UTM Press Hapizah Mohamad; and Graphic Designer of UTM Press Hafizah Mohamad Ahyah.

Author: Giany Allysia Putri | Editor: Mariana

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