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Optimizing Disaster Preparedness, UI Conducted Mitigation Education for Youth in Banten

Indonesia’s position on the Pacific Ring of Fire makes it vulnerable to natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. One of the areas in Indonesia that is often shaken by earthquakes and has the potential to cause tsunamis is the province of Banten. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reminded the Provincial Government of Banten to immediately anticipate earthquakes and tsunamis in the region because earthquakes that occur have a destructive nature and an impact on the collapse of buildings around the epicenter, as well as trigger high sea waves.

Disaster risk management efforts continue to be carried out and improved. One of which is through the education of disaster mitigation to the community around Banten. For this reason, the Community Service (Pengmas) team from Faculty of Nursing of Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI), supported by the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM UI), went directly to locations in Banten to deliver disaster education and mitigation activities at SMPN 3 Labuan, located in Banyubiru Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, in August.

This community service was carried out with the theme “Youth Disaster Preparedness Education (RASATANA)”. Teenagers are the right target to develop disaster preparedness because they have a high curiosity to continue to increase knowledge and change behavior. The FIK UI Community Service Team brought three topics as the main discussion, namely Disaster Mitigation, Basic Life Support (BHD), and Hoax News Selection Procedures. The activity was not only carried out with material presentation but also with direct demonstrations from FIK UI community service team to 65 students who participated in the activity.

Banyubiru Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang Regency is a coastal area with a score of 24.00 on the tsunami disaster risk index, 36.00 on the flood risk index, and 21.60 on the earthquake risk index. Based on that, FIK UI community service team went directly to provide enhancement of preparedness through the “Youth Disaster Preparedness Education” movement.

“Increasing preparedness is very important as the counseling provided increases our awareness to be even more alert in dealing with disasters, especially in this area,” said Ahmad Yugo, the Deputy Principal for Curriculum Sector at SMPN 3 Labuan.

In addition to the material presentation and demonstration, the participants also received a RASATANA pocket book. The provision of this book aims to be a provision for students in applying the knowledge and skills gained and can also be shared with others around them. Before giving the material, a pre-test and post-test were conducted after the discussion session to find out whether the targets have understood and comprehended the material that had been delivered previously. The average results of the pre test and post test showed an increase in knowledge and skills of basic life support.

The implementation of this community service was led by a lecturer of FIK UI Ns. Ice Yulia Wardani, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J., together with other FIK UI lecturers, who are Dr. Tuti Nuraini, S.Kep., M.Biomed; Poppy Fitriyani, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom.; and FIK UI students, namely Asma Mabrukah, Ghini Alfikra, Tazkia Imanda, Tiara Nurjanah, Tiara Azzahra, Nusaibah Meili Karimah, Maisya Putri Nibenia, Hasna Khairunnisa, Asy-Syifa Khoirunisa, and Nadya Ahyani.

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