Universitas Indonesia (UI) held outreach regarding Integrity Zone and UI Zona Integritas Award 2023, which were held at Balai Sidang UI. The event was attended by Head of the Risk Management Transformation and Evaluation Monitoring (TREM) Bureau Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A., Ph.D.; UI Secretary dr. Agustin Kusumayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Mr. Alexander Ari Adi Saputro from the Secretariat General of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Dikti Ristek). The speakers for this event consisted of the Deputy Secretary for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Oversight, the Ministry of the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Mr. Agus Uji Hantara; Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara (FKEP USU) Dr. Dudut Tanjung, SKp, M.Kep, Sp.KMB.; and Coordinator of the Bureaucratic Reform Team of Dikti Ristek Mr. Muhammad Ali Akbar.
In his presentation, the Dean of FKEP USU shared insight regarding the success of the Faculty of Nursing USU in winning the Integrity Zone toward the Corruption-Free Area (ZI WBK) award. In order to get the ZI WBK title, there must be a commitment besides the executives as well as the officials. “We realize and believe in the construction of this ZI WBK that the executives and officials must have the same understanding so that this additional task does not become a burden, and we can feel the benefits so that it will help drive our performance. Previously, we also learned from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UI, which received the WBK title in 2021,” said Dr. Dudut.
When carrying out bureaucratic reform with the most implementable derivatives—integrity zone and areas of changes—all of that in context must achieve something good, not just improve Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or services. “There must be evidence showing the changes that we are doing is to achieve results (outcomes),” said dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., in her speech.
FKEP USU also shared tips on winning the WBK/Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) award. Notes from the previous year’s WBK ZI assessment evaluation should be fulfilled and maximized. “The lack of publication of ZI WBK development on social media and evaluation of measurable innovations are several evaluations of FKEP USU assessment,” said Dr. Dudut. “In addition, our survey results were said to be invalid. As Agus Uji Hantara said, almost 50% of failures to obtain the ZI WBK title were from invalid survey results,” he continued.
On the same occasion, Agus Uji Hantara explained about Optimizing WBK/WBBM. In practice, it takes knowledge and simultaneous implementation at each layer of the bureaucracy to create changes. Oftentimes, bureaucracies do not practice it simultaneously; thus, people do not experience changes or improvements in service, performance, and integrity. This change has indicators that must be fulfilled. Therefore, concrete data is needed, such as the before-and-after picture of the program. In addition, a valid survey is also needed with respondents using the same and relevant measurement tools. “Surveys are one of the communication strategies in bringing agencies closer to the public regarding needed innovations,” said Agus.
The aim of holding UI Zona Integritas Award 2023 is to prepare faculties to represent UI in the Integrity Zone Competition of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) at the national level. “We hope that the faculties at UI can learn from FKEP USU and FKM UI so that they can get the WBK/WBBM title,” explained Vishnu Juwono, the Head of TREM. In addition, it also aims to change the governance of each faculty so that they can provide more effective and transparent public services and minimize the culture of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN).
The agenda for implementing UI Zona Integritas Award 2023 starts with today’s outreach. The first selection in April to July starts with assistance in filling out the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE) for Integrity Zone (ZI) 2023 and distributing the SIAZIK (Sistem Informasi Asesmen Zona Integritas Kemendikbudristek) survey. Then ZI LKE assessment by the Jury Team (Kemendikbudristek) and the announcement of the 5 best faculties are announced at the end of August. Furthermore, the second selection in September includes interviews and visitations as well as a final assessment by the Jury Team at the end of September. UI Zona Integritas Award 2023 will be held in October 2023.
Author: Anjaini/Reza | Editor: Finda Salsabila