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Ovarian Cryopreservation, Innovation for Woman with Cancer

Life style changing has increased number of cancer patient every year. This diseases has long term impact. For women, medical treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy that needs to be done will interfere their ovaries and endanger their reproductive ability.

In fact, cancer patient who are still in their productive age has strong will to have their own child. Studying reproduction technology for a long time, Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, Sp.OG(K) has done several research. One of the innovation is making technology that enable woman with cancer to get pregnant.

The technology is Ovarian Cryopreservation. Patient who has not been married or have not enough time to postpone chemotherapy, could save their ovaries to keep their reproductive function.

Beside that, ovaries is saved could be taken anytime so that it is potential for cancer patient that need to do chemotherapy soon. “The technology is needed by young woman with cancer that still need reproductive function,” said The Research Manager of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia.

Cryopreservation principle is to protect cell by lowering temperature to be below 00C to stop intracellular metabolism. Cooling and melting process in cryopreservation could cause cell damage, specifically at –150C dan –600C temperature. Cryopreservation technology can also be used to keep ovum for those who want to delay pregnancy.

By his research, Iko, his nickname, becomes the first physician that could do ovarian cryopreservation in Indonesia in 2010. This also bring Indonesia to be the first Asia country that able to do ovarian cryopreservation with vitrification technique, with super fast cooling system at -1960C temperature.

By his various research in reproduction technology, Iko became top lecturer on national level in 2015. Recently he is active in various medical association, among of them is becoming President of Perhimpunan Teknologi Reproduksi Indonesia (PERFITRI), and also President Elect di Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE).

Also, Iko is actively participate in Pasific Rim Fertility Society (PRFS), and European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).

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