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PAT Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia Application Reach Wakatobi Island

The Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) team of the Faculty of Nursing of the Universitas Indonesia (FN UI) collaborated with the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of the Public Health Center (UPTD Puskesmas) Popalia, Puskesmas Taipabu, and Puskesmas Wali in the ‘Training on the use of the Android-based Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) Application’. This PAT application was developed using funding from therectorInnovation and Science Techno p and Techno Park (DISTP) UI in 2020.

The head of the PAT Team from Faculty of Nursing (FN) UI, Dessie Wanda, S.Kp., M.N., Ph.D., in his online remarks expressed his appreciation to the UPTD of Popalia Health Center, Taipabu Health Center, and Wali Health Center for having the initiative to use the PAT Application. Meanwhile, in the offline activities held in the Meeting Room of the UPTD Popalia Health Center, the Regent of Wakatobi H.Haliana, S.E., appreciated the FN UI PAT Team for providing opportunities for the UPTD Popalia Health Center, Taipabu Health Center, and Wali Health Center to be able to use the PAT Application so that it helps improve emergency management in children. “Hopefully, in the future, the PAT application can be disseminated to all Puskesmas in the Wakatobi Regency,” said Haliana.

The first resource person in the training, Ns. Permaida, S.Kep., M.Kep., delivered a material entitled ‘The Concept of Emergency in Children in Health Service Arrangements’. He said that the child mortality rate in the first five years of life was 5.3 million in 2018 of which 47% occurred in the first month of life, 28% in the first year, 25% at the age of 1-4 years & 6.2 million deaths occurred in children. aged between 5-14 years. These child deaths can be prevented if a country has a good emergency management system.

According to Permaida, experience and training in pediatric emergencies are still considered lacking, so an innovation is needed to help health workers, especially for nurses, doctors, and midwives in handling pediatric emergencies. To answer this problem, the FIK UI Team came up with the initiative to make PAT more handy by making it an Android-based application.

PAT can be used to rapidly assess the urgency of a pediatric patient through assessment of appearance, work of breathing, and circulation to skin. Assessment using PAT is done in less than a minute, allowing healthcare professionals to determine physiological status with respect to oxygenation, ventilation, perfusion, and brain function.

The next speaker, Ns. Ricca Olivia Nastasya, S.Kep., M.Kep., provided material related to how to use the PAT Application. He explained how to download the PAT Application through the Google Playstore and users can log in independently. Ricca also said that the PAT application was equipped with a description of each item, making it easier for health workers to understand each item in the application.

Participants in training activities using the Android-based PAT Application are very happy because the PAT Application can help them in assessing emergencies in children. One of the trainees, Ns. Irmawati, S.Kep., said that the PAT application helps the ER team to equalize perceptions regarding emergency handling in children. He mentioned that the PAT application which is equipped with treatment can help him and the team take actions that are in accordance with the level of emergency in the child. “Hopefully in the future the FIK UI PAT Team can develop other applications that can be used by health workers in First Level Service Facilities,” she said.

The training on the use of the Android-based PAT Application was carried out online and offline in November 2021. The series was followed up by providing assistance to UPTD Puskesmas Popalia, Puskesmas Taipabu, and Puskesmas Wali.

One of the members of the PAT Team, Ns. La Ode Abd Rahman, S.Kep., MBA., who directly assisted the use of the PAT Application in three puskesmas, said “The mentoring activity is very important because the training participants who have participated in the activity are obliged to teach the puskesmas staff, especially nurses and midwives, this is necessary. so that in the future nurses and midwives at UPTD Popalia Health Center, Taipabu Health Center, and Wali Health Center can optimize the use of the Android-based PAT Application.”

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