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Patent Examiners Go To UI 2023

Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park collaborated with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) to carry out the Patent Examiners Go to Campus activity on 1st – 14th of August 2023 in the Floating Room of the UI Library, Depok campus. This activity invited the Director of Patents, Integrated Circuit Layout Design (DTLST) and Trade Secret, DJKI Kemenkumham Drs. Yasmon, MLS.


Patent Examiners Go to Campus is an activity of assisting in the preparation of patent specifications or patent drafting. Patent Examiners Go to Campus aims to increase understanding regarding writing patent drafts for stakeholders in the patent field, in this case researchers within the UI environment.

This activity presented a guest speaker for the Patent Examiner of the Directorate of Patents, DTLST, and DJKI Trade Secrets, Ir. Erlina Susilawati and Dra. Farida, M.IPL. Apart from providing insight on patent application management and patent document preparation, there was also assistance in preparing patent documents for participants for 14 days from 11th to 14th of August 2023.

Director of Patents, DTLST and Trade Secrets, Drs. Yasmon, MLS, said “In order to increase stakeholders’ understanding of patents, especially in writing patent drafts, it is necessary to carry out learning activities and strengthen mastery of patent writing procedures to encourage an increase in the number of patent registrations at UI.”

Director of the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.Si., MUP, Ph.D. welcomed the holding of Patent Examiners Go To Campus at UI. It is hoped that through this activity patents will be created that are ready to be submitted for application to DJKI. “Apart from getting intellectual property rights, researchers also have moral rights and economic rights over the innovations that have been produced, so that the innovations that have been carried out do not end up in the laboratory,” said Gamal at a workshop held at the Floating Hall, Tuesday (1/8/2023).

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