Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to be committed to preserving local cultural heritage through various community service activities (pengmas) carried out in various regions of the archipelago. One of the projects in the spotlight is the revitalization of culture in Bengkulu, Klaten, and Banyuwangi by academics from the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) UI. This project was presented in a talk show titled “Revitalisasi Budaya Melalui Pengabdian Masyarakat” (Cultural Revitalization Through Community Service) held at the Library, UI Depok Campus, on Thursday, October 3, as part of the 2024 UI Community Service and Empowerment Festival (PPM).
The two main speakers involved in this pengmas were Prof. Dr. R. Cecep Eka Permana, S.S., M.Si., and Dr. Darmoko, S.S., M.Hum., moderated by Dian Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., who is also a lecturer at FIB UI. The two academics shared their views on the importance of efforts to preserve local culture.
Revitalization of Barong Landong Art in Bengkulu
Prof. Cecep Eka Permana revealed that one of the major projects being carried out is the revitalization of Barong Landong art in Bengkulu. This art, which combines fine arts, dance, and music, was threatened with extinction due to the lack of academic documentation, especially during the pandemic.
“Barong Landong is an art with strong values of fine arts, dance, and music. In the implementation of community service, we involve art teachers and students to compose musical notation and train students in schools,” said Prof. Cecep.
He also added that although this art is not yet widely known, at the end of 2020, Barong Landong in Bengkulu City was successfully designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTB). “Adjustment to local customs and community involvement is also one of the keys to success in preserving local heritage,” he said.
Empowering the Young Generation in Klaten and Banyuwangi
Meanwhile, Dr. Darmoko highlighted the challenges of globalization that threaten the existence of cultural heritage in various regions. He explained the importance of empowering the community, especially the younger generation, to continue preserving local culture in Klaten and Banyuwangi.
“We are mapping the areas in Klaten and Banyuwangi. Performing arts and narrative texts are part of our efforts to preserve the culture,” said Dr. Darmoko. One of the steps taken is through teaching Javanese script, which according to him is not only reading skills, but also a deeper understanding of the cultural values contained therein.
He emphasized that the success of cultural revitalization is highly dependent on the support of all parties, including stakeholders in these areas. “Local cultural identities need to continue to be exposed and commemorated. Narrative texts must be staged, customs must be maintained, and with the distribution of revitalization points, it is hoped that local culture throughout Indonesia can continue to be maintained,” he said further.
The community service activities carried out by FIB UI show that cultural preservation is not only the task of the government, but also academics, artists, and the wider community. With strong cooperation and commitment, local cultural heritage can continue to be preserved amidst the flow of globalization.