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The FRAMES application, an innovative work from the Aviation Medicine Study Program, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, was born from UI’s urge to prioritize research that can answer society’s needs. This application is intended to overcome the fatigue often experienced by pilots, especially those who traverse long flight paths.

Prof. Dr. Budi Sampurna, DFM, SH, SpF(K), SpKP. said, “Until now, the physical and mental workload on pilots and air flight crew is still a complicated problem. Fatigue or tiredness can be problematic because pilots do not always work in a fit condition. The length of the flight duration also affects this risk.” He made this statement at a webinar held by Continuing Medical Education (CME) Medicine UI, on Tuesday (19/3).

Fatigue is not a disease but a normal response from the body when someone experiences excessive fatigue or stress. This is a common physiological and psychological phenomenon experienced by many people, including pilots, when there is a decrease in energy and alertness due to intense activity or lack of adequate rest. However, fatigue can be a serious concern because of its impact on pilot performance and flight safety.

To tackle this problem, Medicine UI developed an application called Fatigue Risk Assessment with Medical Advices (FRAMES). This application was launched on March 7 to increase awareness to keep pilot health. The development of this application was carried out by dr. Retno Wibawanti, Sp.KP; Dr. Amilya Agustina, Sp.KP; and dr. Retno Asti Werdhani, M.Epid, Sp.KKLP.

The concept of fatigue management was outlined in the Fatigue Management Practice Guidebook for Pilots. This concept was then developed into the FRAMES application in collaboration with Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC). Now, the FRAMES application is available on Google Play Store and can be downloaded for free.

Dr. Retno Wibawanti said this application focuses on fatigue screening and not for diagnosis. In general, screening in the FRAMES application has three functions. First, detect whether the pilot is experiencing chronic fatigue or not. Second, detect physical activity. Third, assess sleep quality. Fatigue screening is done through discussion and literature review to determine chronic fatigue because it has dangerous impacts.

“The questionnaire is a validated questionnaire and has been discussed by experts. Pilots can fill out this questionnaire once every 30 days, and the results will appear in graphical form,” said dr. Retno Wibawanti.

According to her, the benefits of this application can be optimized through collaboration between organizations and airlines and by making it a permanent procedure at the airline. Therefore, synergistic interaction and collaboration are required between pilot management, airlines, the government (Ministry of Transportation), and other stakeholders.

Member of the Honorary Board of the Indonesian Pilots Association, Capt. Bambang Adisurya Angkasa, believes that fatigue has a big impact on the aviation profession. Fatigue in pilots often occurs due to busy flight schedules, time zone differences, and high work pressure. This condition causes decreased alertness, slow reaction times, and decreased cognitive performance, potentially leading to pilot error and plane crashes.

“Fatigue management is essential in aviation to ensure pilots can maintain their alertness and optimal performance. The FRAMES application can be used to assess the condition in taking flight duties. Mindful preparation and planning can prevent pilots from experiencing fatigue,” continued Capt. Bambang.

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