Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing (FNUI) Postgraduate Program student, Ns. Rizky Rachmatullah, S.Kep., M.Kep won the title for his breakthrough and was taken to the National Nursing Technology Prototype event at the Forum Magister Nursing (FORMATA) 2022 competition. The idea for the breakthrough was motivated by the many cases of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), one of which is Diabetes Mellitus – the leading cause of death in Indonesia which is a current health problem.
With this background, Rizky proposed an idea entitled “Optimizing the Performance of Nursing Management Information Systems Based on the SI PAUD Application (Diabeticum Ulcer Amputation Prevention Information System) to Improve the Effectiveness of the Health Status of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Health Services.” He mentioned that in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, appropriate digitalization technology is needed that can help diabetic ulcer patients in solving their health problems.
According to him, the SI PAUD application was designed with the aim of optimizing the performance of the nursing management information system in improving the effectiveness of the health status of diabetes mellitus patients in health services. This application serves to provide a wide variety of interesting features such as blood sugar monitoring, Body Mass Index (BMI) monitoring, wound condition monitoring with photo features for analysis, general diabetes information, general diabetic ulcer information, and insulin injection reminders.

In addition, there is an online hotline feature to facilitate users to get information on diabetes mellitus and diabetic ulcers outside the general information feature. The advantage of this innovation is that there is no comprehensive information system related to the prevention of diabetic ulcer amputation in the form of technology applications.
This application is very helpful for hospitals that have wound care services. The SI PAUD application can be downloaded from Playstore or Appstore for free. The application’s reporting recording system is stored in the form of soft files and saves time, energy, and finances so that the use of this application is continuously used by diabetic ulcer patients.
Careful preparation, creative and innovative ideas, and good mastery of the material led Rizky to emerge as the 3rd winner of the National Nursing Technology Prototype. “The preparation for the race took approximately one week. After getting information from Instagram. The main thing I did was to look for various information, make an overview related to the application. Then, I displayed both my design needs, themes, and data in the application menu. It is hoped that with careful preparation I can create a design that is easy to use by users, namely patients, families, and health services,” said Rizky.
After participating in the competition, he felt proud to be the only one representing the FN UI Master of Nursing study program in participating in the Technology Ideas Competition. Rizky said that this victory was an extraordinary pride because it could make UI and FN proud.
FORMATA is a competition specifically for Master of Nursing Program Students throughout Indonesia as a means of realizing constructive ideas in the form of technological development in the field of Nursing. The competition was held by the Brawijaya University Master of Nursing Study Program in collaboration with the Brawijaya Nursing Student Association (HIMKAJAYA FIKES UB).
The event, which was attended by dozens of nursing master program students from various public and private universities in Indonesia, raised the theme “Developing Nursing Student Innovations Based on Culture and Technology to Improve Holistic Patient Care”. The participants competed to make innovations in the field of nursing technology in the form of ideas or digital technology or technical design or digital products or prototypes / functional products based on existing research.
The competition starts from the registration and submission stage from June 22 to June 30, 2022. Furthermore, the finalists who passed the final stage to present their work on July 13, 2022.