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Prevention Efforts on Negative Impact of Heat Stress on Workers’ Health

Depok, October 4th 2023. Prof. Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, S.K.M., M.KKK, Ph.D. was inaugurated as Permanent Professor in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Universitas Indonesia (UI), this morning at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Convention Hall, UI Campus, Depok. At the inauguration, he delivered a scientific oration entitled “Climate Change and Heat Stress in the Workplace: Impact and Prevention”. The inauguration, led directly by the Rector of UI, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., was held on Wednesday (4/10).

In his speech, Prof. Doni said that climate change has a big impact on health aspects. The impact of climate change also extends to the workplace due to the interaction between personal health, the work environment, and work activities. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that by 2030, around 2.2 percent of total working hours will be lost due to global heat stress. Heat stress occurs when the heat exposure received exceeds what the body can tolerate without experiencing physiological disorders.

In tropical countries, including Indonesia, many workers are exposed to heat. Workers in mining, construction, manufacturing, and agriculture are vulnerable to heat hazards, both from the sun and due to high metabolic activity. The heat stress received by individuals is the result of a combination of metabolic heat due to physical activity, heat from the work environment, and body heat stored due to the clothes worn.

According to Prof. Doni, health effects due to heat exposure can include organ function disorders and heat-related illnesses. These health effects are divided into two, namely acute effects and chronic effects. Acute effects due to the body temperature being above normal temperature (36.8–37.2 degrees Celsius) and dehydration take the form of disorders such as cramps, fatigue, fainting, and stroke. Meanwhile, chronic health effects can appear in the form of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.

To control and reduce heat stress, modification efforts can be made, including metabolic heat production, body heat exchange by convection, body heat exchange by radiation, and body heat exchange by controlling evaporation. Modification of these factors can be done through engineering, administrative, and personal protective equipment (PPE) controls.

Engineering controls are the most effective method for controlling heat hazards in the workplace. Control can be carried out by limiting or reducing worker activities through automated work systems; covering hot surfaces to reduce heat transfer via radiation; improving the air ventilation system for heat circulation in the room; providing fans to cool the workplace; and reducing humidity by using air conditioning or a dehumidifying device.

“Another method to avoid the dangers of heat is to acclimatize workers who are exposed to heat for around 7 to 14 days. This can be done by shortening the duration of workers’ exposure to heat and giving workers drinks every 15–20 minutes. Workers are also advised to use PPE in the form of cooling clothing, such as water-cooled garments which have an air circulation system, cooling vests, and wetted over garments or clothing made from wetted cotton,” said Prof. Doni.

This research regarding the impact of heat stress on workers is one of other studies conducted by Prof. Doni. Some of his research includes The Health and Safety of Being Fishermen: A Systematic Review (2023); Determinants of Hypertension among Rice Farmers in West Java, Indonesia. (2022); and Increase of Cardiometabolic Biomarkers among Vehicle Inspectors Exposed to PM0.25 and Compositions (2021).

Prof. Doni completed his bachelor’s degree in Public Health, FKM UI in 1995; completed the FKM UI Master’s Program in Occupational Safety and Health in 2003; and obtained a Ph.D in Occupational and Environmental Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, in 2010. Currently, he serves as Chair of the Center for K3 Studies and Applications at FKM UI and Manager of Research and Community Service at FKM UI.

The inauguration procession of professor Prof. Doni was also attended by the Mining Safety Coordinator of the Mineral and Coal Directorate, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Warid Nurdiansyah, SKM, MOHSc; Director Strategic & Corp Affairs PT Vale Indonesia, Budiawansyah, S.T., MKKK.; General Chair of the BUMN QHSE Forum, PT Waskita Karya, Subhan, ST, M.PSDA; and HSSE Operation Manager, PT Pertamina Hulu Energy, Machfud, S.T., MKKK.

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