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Producing Reliable Aviation Doctors, FMUI Spread Its Wings With Garuda Indonesia

In the world of aviation, doctors play an important role in the safety of pilots. Healthy pilot conditions can reduce the risk factors for aircraft accidents. Therefore, inspection of pilots must be carried out by a number of doctors who have aviation medical qualifications or have a flight surgeon certificate (issued by the Head of the Aviation Health Center under the Director General of Civil Aviation). The high need for aviation doctors has encouraged the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) to expand aviation medical education through collaboration with the national airline Garuda Indonesia.

Through a collaboration signed on Thursday (17/2) at the Garuda Indonesia Training Center, West Jakarta, FMUI and Garuda Indonesia agreed to develop the organization of academic and training activities, particularly in the field of aviation medicine. This study uses the facilities provided by Garuda Indonesia, namely the Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC) and the Garuda Sentra Medika Clinic (GSM). At the GSM Clinic, health services are also provided by participants of the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) and FMUI teaching staff.

The Dean of FMUI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, welcomed the collaboration between FMUI and Garuda Indonesia. According to him, this collaboration is part of a collaborative activity developed by Universitas Indonesia. The triple helix collaboration involves academia, government, and industry. Garuda Indonesia is part of this collaboration.

“We welcome doctors from Garuda Indonesia who want to improve their educational competencies, both for occupational medicine and aviation medicine. Talking about the Specialist Physician Education Program is talking about creating resources for aeronautical medicine. Therefore, we would like to thank Garuda Indonesia for helping to produce higher quality human resources,” said Prof. Ari in his speech.

FMUI Aviation Medicine Study Program is the only one in Asia. Since its establishment in 2010, the FMUI Aviation Medicine Study Program has produced graduates of aviation medicine specialists spread across various government and non-government institutions. These aviation doctors have contributed a lot to the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Transportation, Air Force, hospitals, medical evacuation companies, and various airlines.

Human Capital Director of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Aryaperwira Adileksana, said this collaboration is a form of commitment between Garuda Indonesia and FMUI. “From the beginning I said, we should have a form of agreement so that we have a common target that is beneficial for Garuda Indonesia and FMUI. Today we signed a cooperation which is expected to be more than just a ceremony, of course. I have conveyed to my friends so that this commitment can support the university’s tri dharma as well as be useful for Garuda Indonesia,” said Aryaperwira.

The legal basis for the role of aviation doctors in Indonesia in carrying out the mandatory medical examination for pilots is regulated in the Lawof the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice. According to Article 50 of the Medical Practice Law, aviation doctors in an effort to provide health services have the right to carry out their professional duties in checking the health of pilots in accordance with existing professional standards and standard operating procedures.

Adapun tugas utama dokter spesialis kedokteran penerbangan meliputi tiga hal. Pertama, dokter penerbangan bertugas membina kesehatan fisik dan mental awak udara dan penumpang pesawat udara, baik di tingkat perorangan maupun komunitas. Kedua, dokter penerbangan berkewajiban menguji kesehatan awak udara dan penumpang pesawat udara untuk dinyatakan fit to fly. Terakhir, dokter penerbangan harus melakukan pengelolaan evakuasi medik pada pasien atau penumpang yang sakit.


Author: FMUI Public Relations | Editor: Sapuroh

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