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Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam: Prevent Heat Stroke in Extreme Hot Weather by Drinking 3 Liters of Water a Day

Depok, October 28th 2023. The increasing intensity of extreme hot weather occurring in various regions in Indonesia has raised many complaints and concerns from the public. The Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) recorded that the maximum temperature measured until the end of September 2023 in several areas was in the range of 35.4° C to 38° C during the day. Most areas of Indonesia, especially those south of the equator, are still experiencing drought, and other parts are starting to enter the season transition in the October-November period, thus BMKG predicts that sunny weather conditions will continue to dominate during the day.

Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH., M.M.B, SpPD, K-GEH, FACP, FACG, FINASIM Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI), said that the main problem that will occur in people who are exposed to high temperatures is is dehydration. In a state of dehydration, a person will experience a lack of fluids, feel thirsty, and their skin will become dry and sensitive, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions.

This hot condition certainly deserves public awareness since it can cause serious health effects. The health effects of heat stress on a person can include disruption of the function of certain organs and result in various types of heat-related illness. The most dangerous type of heat-related illness is heat stroke.

“This high heat pressure can cause heat stroke, a condition where people experience dehydration, lack of fluids, dryness, and can cause loss of consciousness, which must be avoided. Heat stroke will impact the body’s organs as a whole. If dehydration is not balanced by drinking, the kidneys will be affected by this condition,” said Prof. Ari.

According to Prof. Ari, the group most affected and vulnerable to heat stroke are elderly people. Therefore, elderly groups (seniors) should avoid direct exposure to extreme hot air accompanied by high air humidity.
Furthermore, heat stroke also attacks workers who have to carry out outdoor activities. If you have to be exposed to hot air, Prof. Ari reminded us of the importance of maintaining sufficient water consumption.

“In general, the amount of water consumption is stated to be 8 to 10 glasses per day, but with the current conditions of dehydration, we must be able to increase it to 3 liters per day. This also depends on our activities. If our activities are often done outside and exposed to heat, especially to the point of sweating, the amount of fluid in the body must also be increased,” said Prof. Ari.

People also need to be careful in arranging strategies for outdoor activities, one of which is when they want to exercise. Prof. Ari advises people to try to exercise in the morning before the sunlight becomes bright. Exercising under the hot sun will be very dangerous because it can cause a person to become dehydrated. The intense heat can also cause headaches and skin disorders.

Prof. Ari said, “If it is possible, exercising indoors is certainly the best thing right now. However, we also need fresh air, so try to exercise around 6 to 7 in the morning.”

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