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Prof. Haula Rosdiana, First Female Professor of Taxation Policy Science

Coinciding with Mother’s Day this year, Prof. Dr. Haula Rosdiana, M.Si. has served as a professor of tax policy for one windu (eight years) at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FAS UI). Therefore, UI held an event of Sewindu Devotion of the First Female Professor of Taxation Policy: Prof. Dr. Haula Rosdiana with the theme “Inspiration for Strengthening the Role of Women in Educating the Nation’s Life”, held at the Auditorium Edition Building M 4th Floor FAS UI, Wednesday (22/12).

First Lady of the Republic of Indonesia Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo in her testimony said that Prof. Haula’s achievement was not an easy thing. “This country is proud to have an inspirational woman like Prof. Haula Rosdiana, a teacher and educator who can be a role model for the younger generation,” she said.

At the event, Prof. Haula received a MURI record award for her achievement, which is a rare thing for tax professors in Indonesia – no more than ten people -, as the first woman to become a professor and the youngest in the field of taxation in Indonesia.

In this proud moment, Prof. Haula delivered a scientific oration entitled Supply Side Tax Policy for Social Welfare: Understanding Detail & Dynamic Complexity in Gender Perspective for Equitable Tax Policy Design.

In her speech, Prof. Haula emphasized the responsibility of the state, especially state administrators, both legislative, executive, and judicial, to formulate state policies, especially taxation policies, based on social justice. “On this basis, I appreciate the gender mainstreaming policy. Socially empathetic taxation policies, I believe, can reduce the width of economic inequality due to the greed of economic control by the rich and can help the poor gradually towards a more decent life,” said Prof. Haula.

Indonesian Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, S.E, M.Si., highly appreciated Prof. Haula’s achievements. “Today we see a tough woman figure, Prof. Haula Rosdiana, for all of Prof. Haula’s contributions, congratulations and may you always be successful, hopefully there will be other Haulas born in Indonesia who are ready to contribute to the Indonesian nation,” she said.

Minister of Manpower Dr. Dra. Hj. Ida Fauziyah, M.Si. also expressed her appreciation to Prof. Haula for her achievements during her year of service. “This moment of achievement is very prideful, and will be an inspiration for women in Indonesia to continue to be empowered, work, contribute to national development,” she said.

On that occasion, UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., said, “Today we see a strong woman figure, Prof. Haula Rosdiana. For all of Prof. Haula’s contributions, congratulations and may you always be successful, hopefully there will be other Haulas born in Indonesia who are ready to contribute to the Indonesian nation,” said Prof. Ari.

Furthermore, as a colleague and friend, Dean of FAS UI Prof. Chandra Wijaya also expressed his pride. “I have known her since she was an undergraduate student majoring in administrative science, a tough, smart, diligent woman, passionate about learning and working. As a friend and colleague I am very proud of the various achievements and contributions that have been made. I hope that in the future she can continue to improve her achievements and contributions in various forms of the tri dharma of state universities,” said Chandra.

Prof. Haula, who has a talent for writing songs – the first song she wrote was titled Pasrah – also entertained the guests present at the same occasion. Her duet with Vina Panduwinata provided entertainment for the audience.

Also attending the event were Vice Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of RI Dr. Lestari Moerdijat, S.S., M.M, Chairman of Commission XI of the House of Representatives Dito Ganinduto, MBA, members of the House of Representatives, Chief of Army Staff General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, Governor of the National Defense Institute Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Agus Widjojo, Deputy Governor of the National Defense Institute Air Marshal Wieko Syofyan, Head of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency Dr. M. Yusuf Ateh, Ak, MBA, Chairman of the Taxation Supervisory Committee Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf Ateh, Ak, MBA. M. Yusuf Ateh, Ak, MBA, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Taxation Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo and his staff, echelon 1 officials within the Ministry of Finance, Head of the Toll Road Management Agency of the Ministry of PUPR Prof. Dr. Ir. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc, Chairman of the UI Board of Trustees Saleh Husin, SE.., M.Si, members of the UI Board of Trustees, Chairman of the UI Academic Senate Prof. Dr. Nachrowi, MSc. M.Phil., members of the UI Academic Senate, Chair of the UI Board of Professors Prof. Dr. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, SH. LLM, and other leaders at UI.

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