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Psychology’s Contribution to Creating Innovation for the Nation

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This quote from Albert Einstein was mentioned by Prof. Corina D. S. Riantoputra Ph.D, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Indonesia (UI), in his scientific speech at the 64th Dies Natalis on Friday, July 5. According to her, innovation is required due to growing national problems, including economic issues, level of education, digital transformation, mental health problems, unemployment, and governance challenges.

Prof. Corina mentioned how there are three things to deal with these challenges, namely an out-of-the-box way of thinking, innovative individual characteristics, and a leader who drives innovation. The word ‘box’ in “out-of-the-box way of thinking” refers to someone’s alternative idea space, limited by a number of things, namely legal limitations. Legal limitations, morals, and ethics need to be maintained firmly.

In creating innovation, an innovative individual plays an important role. This individual has three characteristics, namely curiosity, courage, and contributive goals. Curious people often have a big desire to learn, but unfortunately, education in Indonesia sometimes limits children’s curiosity.

“The killing fields happen with our education. The analogy is that there is a field with mines everywhere. People do not see the mines, but they can die if they step on them. That is our education. Children are reprimanded when they ask questions. When their answer is incorrect, they are mocked. It is not surprising to find that when they enter university, they no longer possess the skill to ask questions. In fact, Claude Lévi-Strauss once said, the wise man is not he who gives the right answers, he is the one who asks the right questions,” said Prof. Corina.

In innovating, individuals must have courage. There are two things that make people dare to have different opinions, namely openness to experience and incentive. Incentives do not have to always be in a financial form, but also in meaningful non-financial forms. In addition, innovative individuals must have contributed goals. Due to the fact that innovation requires a high cost, involved researchers or organization members must focus on the organization, not personal interest.

The third idea, playing an important role in fostering innovation, is a leader who drives innovation. In this matter, a leader must see potential and not be impressed just by the title. A leader must also provide a relaxing space and time for discussion to accommodate ideas well. He has to read into the challenges faced by his organization and build collaboration with external parties to deal with those challenges.

“In the process of creating innovation, there will be mistakes. If that happens, a leader must stand forward and take responsibility. This will become an example for his organization’s members and show that leaders and members fight together. This is one of the ways a leader builds a sense of oneness, so employees will feel safe fighting for this organization,” said Prof. Corina.

The 64th Dies Natalis celebration of the Faculty of Psychology UI with the theme “Inovasi untuk Kebahagiaan dan Kesejahteraan Indonesia,” was held at the Auditorium of Building H, Faculty of Psychology UI. Attendees of the event include the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K); the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UI, Prof. Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum., Psikolog; the BUMN Deputy for Coordination of Development, Rise, and Innovation, Elen Setiadi, S.H., M.S.E.; and many more practitioners from various companies and institutions.

In her welcome speech, drg. Nurtami conveyed that in this era of disruption and rapid changes, social innovation becomes the key to solving the problems in society. “We believe that the Faculty of Psychology UI with all its resources can become a driving force of innovation which will bring positive change to society. We also invite all Faculty of Psychology civitas to continue collaborating, innovating, and creating multidisciplinary research,” she said. 

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