“Based on data gathered from researches in Indonesia, more than 60% of patients who have been exposed to Covid-19 will experience Long Covid condition or post Covid-19 syndrome. If It is not managed properly, will affect the patient’s quality of life,” said Dr. Rudi Putranto, Sp.PD, K-Psi, MPH, from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FM UI).
Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, as of August 3, 2022, there were 6,222,788 Covid-19 cases in Indonesia and 6,014,885 people recovered. Moved by this condition, the FM UI community service team went down to the community to make a real contribution through community service activities through counseling and health checks to improve the quality of life of the community in Pantai Bakti Village, Muara Gembong, Bekasi, West Java, earlier this month (Wednesday, 03/08).
In the implementation of this community service, counseling activities are carried out online. As one of the speakers, Dr. Rudi, who is the Head of the FM UI Community Service Team, provided counseling with the material title “Management of Psychosomatic Disorders in Post Covid-19 Syndrome”.
For health checks, symptoms of psychosomatic disorders are examined by conducting interviews, questionnaire devices, and stress analyzers(Heart Rate Variability). Head of the Psychosomatic and Palliative Division, Department of Internal Medicine, FM UI Dr. dr. Hamzah Shatri, Sp.PD, K-Psi, M.Epid, in his welcoming speech said, “During the pandemic, the health management of psychosomatic disorders in patients who have been exposed to Covid-19 needs attention, because various disorders can occur and can affect quality of life. For this reason, through this counseling, Dr. Rudi and his team tried to provide training on psychosomatic health management and health checks in the community. With this examination, it is hoped that psychosomatic health problems in the community can be detected early and managed appropriately.”
The Psychosomatic Division, Department of Internal FM UI was established in 1955. The Psychosomatic Division serves patients who experience various complaints without organic disorders or so-called functional disorders, or what has come to be known as Psychosomatic disorders (functional dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fibromyalgia, non-cardiac chest pain, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Currently, psychosomatic services include polyclinic services for consultation on psychosomatic disorders, autonomic function examination with HRV analyzer, and superior services in the form of integrated palliative care.
In addition to providing services, the Psychosomatic Division also develops education and conducts research in accordance with the mission of the Department of Internal Medicine. Several studies and researches were conducted covering the field of Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology.