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Realising Patient Safety, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Indonesia Hospital Celebrate the 77th Anniversary of Indonesia Independence doing Vertical Rescue Simulation

To celebrate the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Universitas Indonesia Indonesia (UI) and Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) held a vertical rescue simulation. for patient evacuation during emergencies. The event, which was held on Wednesday (17/8), at the Universitas Indonesia Hospital Emergency Room Building, was attended by Universitas Indonesia Secretary, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Universitas Indonesia’s Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA; Universitas Indonesia Hospital Director of General and Operations, dr. Hermawan, Sp.JP(K)-FIHA; Universitas Indonesia Hospital Director of Medical and Nursing Services, dr. M. Arza Putra, Sp.BTKV(K); and Universitas Indonesia Hospital Director of Financial Administration, Wibowo, S.E., Ak.

The President Director of Universitas Indonesia Hospital , Dr. dr. Astuti Giantini, Sp.PK (K), MPH, said that the celebration of the 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence can make RSUI a health service center that plays a role in building a healthy Indonesia. “We hope that in this momentum we can build synergy for Indonesia because synergy is the key to building superior, developed, and capable human resources in preparedness. Universitas Indonesia Hospital as a health service center has a role in building a healthy society so that Indonesia becomes a strong nation,” said Dr. Astuti.

The simulation of patient evacuation using the vertical rescue technique is a form of cooperation between the Hospital Occupational Health and SafetyOHS) of Universitas Indonesia Hospital and the Universitas Indonesia Technical Implementation Unit for Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (UPT OHS). The evacuation process was carried out from the 5th floor of the hospital building to the ground floor in the side area of the Radiology Unit with a height of approximately 40 meters.

The Universitas Indonesia Hospital disaster command team previously conducted regular training and simulations. Emergency evacuation drills or simulations aim to increase the awareness and skills of emergency response teams in the proper transfer of staff, visitors or patients. These evacuation drills and simulations train preparedness and ensure the readiness of emergency response procedures and equipment that the hospital has.

“In handling emergencies, the involvement of all parties, both internal and external, is needed to support the rescue and evacuation process and evaluate roles and responsibilities in emergency management,” Dr. Astuti added.

Regarding the vertical rescue procedure, before evacuating, the Universitas Indonesia Hospital rescue team, which is a nursing team, conducts triage, which is the categorization of patients based on the severity of their condition, to decide which patients need immediate evacuation. According to the Head of the OHSUnit of Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Meilisa Rahmadani, SKM, M.KKK, the results of the assessment will be given through the awarding of ribbons as signs with different colors.

“Ribbons with red color codes are for critical condition patients, meaning they need immediate help. Yellow color code for serious condition patients, meaning the condition is not life-threatening and help can be delayed. The green ribbon code is for patients who can walk so that the injury can be resolved with minor help. Meanwhile, the black ribbon is given to patients whose pulse is not palpable and who are no longer breathing,” Meilisa explained.

The Vertical Rescue Evacuation technique is chosen as the last alternative if the condition of the emergency evacuation route facilities in the hospital cannot be used in the process of saving and evacuating victims. This technique is carried out by trained UPT OHSUI officers using personal protective equipment, vertical rescue equipment, and rigging according to standards and stretcher management is carried out to secure the position of the victim in the victim evacuation process. Head of UPT OHSUI, Dr. Ir. Sjahrul M. Nasri, M.Sc, explained the process of patient rescue with vertical rescue by the OHSUI disaster command team. “Patient rescue uses the lowering technique, which is a Vertical Rescue Evacuation technique carried out by moving victims or patients from steep terrain(high angle vertical) or from a high place to a lower place using a basket stretcher,” said Dr. Sjahrul.

The spirit of patriotism is the value carried by RSUI and UPT OHSUI in this activity. Universitas Indonesia Hospital not only focuses on services, but also on anticipation if emergencies and disasters occur. This is in line with the Universitas Indonesia Hospital tagline “We Provide Outstanding Care“. In addition to the vertical rescue simulation event, the commemoration of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia was also enlivened with a series of other competitions, such as fashion show, tug-of-war, “leading him”, and clog competition which was attended by Universitas Indonesia Hospital internal staff.

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