“As a faculty that occupies the top five positions in ASEAN in the Survey of QS World University Ranking by Subject 2022 in the field of Social Policy and Administration and ranks 51-100 in the world, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA UI) is always dedicated to be a faculty that continues to provide inclusive learning for every individual who wants to study at FIA,” said the Dean of FIA UI Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Si, M.M., during SMA Yasporbi’s visit to FIA UI, on Thursday (29/09). On that occasion, he explained about the program of FIA UI Pre-University, which is a form of actualization of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program.
One of the goals of the program launched by Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia is to encourage the public to be able to obtain inclusive and equitable education at all universities in Indonesia. In addition, FIA UI Pre-University program is also a manifestation of the fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is ensuring inclusive and equal quality education, as well as supporting lifelong learning opportunities for all,” said Prof. Dr. Chandra.
Pre-University FIA UI is a non-degree program organized by FIA UI to provide opportunities for students or high school graduates to participate in online lectures at FIA UI. In addition to getting learning opportunities, participants will also get “savings” for course credits that can be transferred when continuing undergraduate studies at FIA UI if the courses taken get a minimum grade of B.
“Pre-U FIA is an excellent program because it is supported by qualified human resources (HR), qualified facilities, and of course a learning curriculum that has really been well-prepared,” said Prof. Chandra.
A total of 70 students and 10 staffs from SMA Yasporbi, South Jakarta, were welcomed by the Executive Secretary of FIA UI Dr. Umanto, S.Sos, M. Si., and the Head of Public Relations of FIA UI Debie Puspasari, MPA. The School Principal of SMA Yasporbi Robi Kurniawan, S.IP., expressed their interest in Pre-University program. “We are grateful for all the great welcome from FIA UI. Ninety percent of our students want to continue their study in UI, including FIA UI,” said Robi.
On the visit occasion, a talk show was also held by three students of State Administration Study Program, Commerce Administration Study Program, and Fiscal Administration Study Program. The three students gave a presentation related to life as FIA UI students and tips on how to be accepted as a Universitas Indonesia student.