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Realizing Zero New Stunting in Depok City, FKM UI Provides Education to Prevent Anemia in Teenagers Through Games

To suppress the increase in new cases of stunting in Depok City, Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), is carrying out community service (pengmas) by providing nutrition and health education to adolescents at SMA 1 Sejahtera Depok. This is also a form of support in realizing the Zero New Stunting program run by the Depok City Health Office.

“It is known that 1 in 3 female adolescents in Depok City experience anemia (low red blood cells and/or hemoglobin in the blood). Without proper treatment, these anemic female adolescents will become pregnant women who are also anemic, at risk of giving birth to children with low birth weight (LBW) and increasing the prevalence of stunting in the future,” said Nurul Dina Rahmawati, S.Gz., M.Sc., Head of the FKM UI Community Service Team.

For this reason, the community service carried out on Wednesday, September 18, carries the theme “Remaja Sehat (Teen Room): Upaya Inovasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan, Gizi, dan Produktivitas Remaja” (Healthy Teenagers (Teen Room): Innovation Efforts to Improve Health, Nutrition, and Productivity of Adolescents). The activity was attended by 100 students in grades XI and XII, the Principal, the Vice Principal for Student Affairs, the Youth Red Cross (PMR) Advisor, and teachers.

“Anemia and stunting have a cross-generational impact with low adolescent achievement. Productivity in adulthood will also be hampered and increase the risk of stunted children in the future,” said Nurul. Therefore, Nurul said that as prospective mothers for the next generation, adolescent girls, in particular, need to pay attention to their health, to avoid anemia, as well as avert early marriage which will increase the physical and emotional burden for adolescents.

In its implementation, nutrition and health education for adolescents is carried out using two media, namely the Healthy Adolescent Module and the online game “Nutrition Impact.” The game is equipped with educational modules on the Definition of Adolescents, Physical and Psychological Changes in Adolescents, and Healthy Lifestyles. Through this game, adolescents automatically get comprehensive information about nutrition and health in a fun way. In addition, there is also education related to the symptoms, causes, impacts, and treatment of anemia.

“In the future, it is hoped that this game can continue to be developed to cover issues not only about anemia, but also the Triple Burden of Malnutrition problem that can disrupt population productivity and become a major challenge in achieving Indonesia EMAS 2045,” said Nurul.

Previously, similar programs have also been held in DKI Jakarta and Banten Province in collaboration with the Health Office and the local government. This time, FKM UI is collaborating with the Depok City Health Office. On that occasion, Teti Erikawati, A.Md. Keb., Manager of the Family Health Program, conveyed ideas related to handling anemia in Depok City, with hemoglobin screening and drinking Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD), or Blood Supplement Tablets, together at school once a week.

“There are 3 nutritional health problems in Indonesia, namely overnutrition, undernutrition, and anemia. In Depok City, the high prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls may occur because the percentage of TTD drinking consumption in Depok City has only reached 61%, below the national target of 75% even though the distribution of TTD has been 100% to schools and secondary schools in Depok City,” said Teti.

Meanwhile, as the Supervisor of PMR SMA 1 Sejahtera Depok, Wati was pleased with the arrival of the FKM UI Community Service Team to provide education on adolescent health. “We hope our children can better understand the importance of being healthy, especially for adolescent girls. With this education, students can be more active in regularly drinking TTD so that they are free from anemia and malnutrition. Hopefully, this collaboration will continue in the future,” said Wati.

Meanwhile, Rachmatya Gladiola Wildan, a student from SMA 1 Sejahtera Depok said that this activity provided many good provisions obtained through a fun method that is easy to apply in everyday life. “I hope that activities like this can continue to be carried out and receive more attention from the wider community as it is related to the future of the nation’s next generation,” said Rachmatya.

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