The Rector of Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, M.Eng., IPU, took firm steps to follow up on the results of the academic evaluation of the doctoral program of the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG). Referring to the Report of the Higher Education Tri Dharma Supervision Investigation Team dated October 31, 2024, and the Academic Audit Report from the UI Academic Quality Assurance Agency (BPMA) on December 2, 2024, UI officially formed the SKSG Academic Quality Assurance Improvement Team (PPMA).
The formation of this team is based on the Rector’s Decree (SK) number 2724/SK/R/UI/2024, dated December 10, 2024, with an effective working period starting from December 10, 2024, to January 9, 2025. “The formation of this team is part of Universitas Indonesia’s commitment to improving academic quality at SKSG so that it is in line with national and international standards,” said the UI Rector.
The SKSG PPMA Team is led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit P. Hadiwardoyo, DEA., assisted by the secretary and five members of the faculty. Based on the SK of its establishment, the PPMA SKSG Team has several main tasks, including compiling policies, guidelines, and work programs related to academic quality assurance, compiling academic quality standards in various aspects such as curriculum, learning process, research, and community service; and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the academic quality assurance system in the SKSG doctoral program. The team will also formulate strategies to improve academic quality achievements according to national and international standards, and submit periodic reports to the UI Rector.