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Red-White Nuances and the Vibrant Regional Costumes at the 79th Anniversary of Indonesia at the Depok Campus

Universitas Indonesia (UI) celebrated the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through various activities. From the main gate of UI, every passerby who passed was greeted with greetings of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day through Videotron and pennants along the entrance road.

On the morning of August 17, 2024, the flag ceremony participants were already at the Rotunda Field, UI Depok Campus, before the ceremony began at 08.00. The flag ceremony was led by the UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., who acted as the ceremony instructor. The ceremony participants were academics, education staff, and some new students from the 2024 batch. The flag-hoisting troops (Paskibraka) were new students from the 2024 batch, who were divided into formations of seventeen, eight, and four-five.

The Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) said, in a message read by the UI Rector, that the Merdeka Belajar movement has been running for the past five years. This is supported by the largest digital transformation in Indonesia which helps create an inclusive learning environment. “Students now have the opportunity to explore their interests and potential with the Merdeka Curriculum which has been implemented as a national curriculum starting this year,” said Nadiem Makarim in a message read by Prof. Ari.

“At the end of the ceremony, UI gave the “Anugerah Academic Leader” (Academic Leader Award) to UI academicians spread across various faculties. Some came from the health sector, won by Prof. Dr. dr. Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono, Sp.B.P.R.E., Subsp.T.(K) from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI,” said Amelita Lusia, Head of the Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau UI.

The award winners from the social and humanities fields are Arie Afriansyah, SH., MIL, Ph.D from the Faculty of Law (FH) UI; the maritime field was won by Dr. Eng. Ir. Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., I.P.M. from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI. Astari Dwiranti, S.Si., M.Eng., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI won the “Anugerah Academic Leader” (Academic Leader Award) in the science field; the arts and culture field was won by Dr. Ali Akbar, S.S., M.Hum. from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) UI. The information and communication technology field was won by Dr.rer.nat. Fariz Darari, S.Kom., M.Sc. from the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI while the technology field was won by Dr. Cindy Rianti Priadi ST., MSc. from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI.

No less interesting, the excitement of the flag ceremony at UI was also enlivened by various traditional clothes worn by the participants of the ceremony. They wore traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia. Some wore traditional clothes from North Sumatra Province with its ulos cloth, Lampung Province with tapis cloth, Madura Tribe with Baju Pesaan to traditional clothes from the Dayak Tribe, East Kalimantan Province. Vice Rector for Research and Innovation UI, drg. Nurtami Soedarsono, Ph.D., and Head of the Sub Directorate (Kasubdit) for Empowerment and Community Service, Ners. La Ode Abd. Rahman, S.Kp., MBA., won the Best Costume award. Both of them looked stunning in traditional Dayak clothing complete with accessories.

In addition to the flag ceremony, the series of celebrations for the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day this year at UI was also enlivened by competitions organized by the International Affairs Office (KUI). Several foreign students from various countries, such as Malaysia, Timor Leste, the Philippines, the Netherlands, France, and Australia enthusiastically participated in this competition. Enthusiastic faces were seen from those who participated in the activity.

June, a foreign student from the Philippines who is studying at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) UI said that the celebration of Independence Day in her country is different from that in Indonesia. “Independence Day in my country is not the same as here (Indonesia). We only honor all important people or heroes in a flag ceremony while singing the national anthem and giving flowers to their graves,” said June.

More than 50 participants took part in the marble relay, balloon relay, cracker eating, and tug-of-war competitions. These competitions were chosen because they are traditional games often played by Indonesian people, easy and commonly played by all ages, both children and adults. “All competitions are held in groups with the aim that participants can mingle with each other, make friends with students from other countries, and foster a good spirit of cooperation in groups,” said the Head of KUI, drg. Baiduri Widjanarko., Ph.D.

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