Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a forum “Rektor UI Menyapa Mahasiswa” (UI Rector Greets Students) at the Student Activity Center Building (Pusgiwa), on Friday, February 21. The event, which was attended by UI Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, and staff, was a space for dialogue between university leaders and students.
In the forum, both parties discussed various strategic issues concerning the interests of the academic community, including leadership transparency, campus democracy, academic independence, UI’s involvement in the extractive industry, and student welfare, especially related to mental health issues and policies for cases of sexual violence.
Prof. Heri said that the purpose of holding this forum was to open a transparent space for dialogue between university leaders and students, so that every policy taken can be clearly understood and receive input from the entire academic community.
“UI is committed to maintaining academic independence, strengthening campus democracy, and ensuring that student welfare remains the main priority in every policy implemented. We hope that this discussion will be a forum for students to convey their aspirations, so that the university continues to improve the quality of transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance,” said Prof. Heri.
In the discussion, students actively asked various questions, one of which was related to UI’s involvement in the extractive industry. The Chairperson of the UI Faculty of Law Student Executive Board (BEM), Fawwaz, said that students did not reject UI’s collaboration with the industrial sector, but highlighted UI’s steps so that this involvement would not lead to exploitation of natural resources, loss of academic independence, or non-transparent management of funds.
In response, the UI Rector emphasized that UI seriously reviews every collaboration that is carried out. The benefits obtained by UI from collaboration with the extractive industry will be allocated for academic interests and student welfare. He also emphasized that UI will not lose its academic independence, as has been implemented at the UI Hospital managed by the Faculty of Medicine.
In addition, the students discussed handling the issue of sexual violence on campus and mental health experienced by students. Prof. Heri said that, currently, UI has formed a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) which provides full support for victims. UI is also strengthening mental health services through the Directorate of Educational Support Facilities Management and the Directorate of Campus Welfare by expanding professional psychology services for students to make it easier to access these services.
In the future, the UI Rector will continue to open up dialogue with students and present more transparent and inclusive policies. For him, transparency, campus democracy, and student welfare are the main priorities in university management. For this reason, through this forum, UI will involve students to be an active part in determining the direction of university policies.