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RSCM-FKUI Holds 2022 Research and Innovation Webinar: Episode 1

“Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and development and it is also a time full of challenges. In addition, adolescence is very vulnerable to malnutrition, lack of education and knowledge, health problems, social problems, lack of physical activity, and emotional instability. Around 10% of children aged 5-19 years are overweight or obese while around 50% of the population aged over 18 years in Indonesia suffer from a combination of non-communicable diseases, “Dr. dr. Rina Agustina, M.Sc, Department of Clinical Nutrition, one of the resource persons for the webinar entitled “Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM/ national referral hospital): Research and Innovation Updates 2022: Eps 1” online through a zoom meeting and broadcast on YouTube, ICTEC RSCM FKUI on Friday (28/1).

In her presentation, Rina presented a paperentitled “Pychosocial, Eating behavior, and Lifestyle factors, Influencing Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents”. Generally speaking, the paperdiscusses overweight and obesity in adolescents, data on obese and overweight adolescents in Indonesia, prevalence trends for 5 years (2013-2018), and causes of overweight and obesity in adolescents. The purpose of this studywas to assess the national and sub-national prevalence of AOO (Adolescent Overweight Obesity) in Indonesia (Riskesdas 2013-2018) and identify the determinants with the 2013 Riskesdas analysis.

“Globally, it is Barry Popkin who often buzzes that the world is fat. Where we experience obesity globally is a public health concernand is increasing sharply in the world,” he said. Rina explained that there are three factors that cause teenagers to be overweight and obese. First, psychological factors such as depression; second, social and socio-demographic factors such as family

income marital status, educational background, place of residence, physical activities such as sedentary activities and screen viewing activities; and three paternal factors such as smoking habits, father’s education, and father’s occupation, eating habits such as high-energy foods, sweet foods, and high-fat foods. According to him, currently Indonesia has taken big steps in overcoming the problem of overweight, including Indonesia joining the

Scaling Up Nutrition movement in 2011, Stunting is included in the main development indicators for the development of the national medium-term plan (2020-2024), the Government of Indonesia in 2017 launched the National Strategy for Accelerating the National Stunting Reduction, weekly folic acid supplementation for adolescent girls, and designing an integrated package of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions. Besides Rina, the webinar was also attended by a resource person from the Department of Microbiology, dr. Yulia Rosa Saharman, PhD, SpMK(K). Yulia explained the publication entitled “Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance in Intensive Care Units in Lower-Middle Income Countries: A Scoping Review”. In his presentation, he explained the method of scoping review and systematic review. “The reason I chose the scoping reviewis that when I wrote this paperit was also something new for me, because so far I only knew about systematic reviews for meta-analysis orliterature reviews.

Systematic review is based on international evidence, confirmed based on current practice/address, identifies and informs areas for future research, identifies and investigates conflict outcomes, produces statements to guide decisions and make PICOs,” he said. PICO is a tool that can be used to assist doctors in finding clinical information. PICO is a clinical information search method which is an acronym for 4 components, namely, P (patient, population, problem), I (intervention, prognostic factor, exposure), C (comparison, control), and O (outcome). Meanwhile,scoping review is to identify the types of evidence available in a particular field, clarify key concepts or definitions in the literature, examine how research is carried out on a particular topic or field, identify key characteristics or factors related to the concept, as a precursor to systematic reviews, and to identify and analyze knowledge gaps. The webinar organized by the Innovation and Intellectual Property Management Installation (INOVKI) National Central General Hospital dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) – Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) was carried out in order to increase the spirit of conducting research, innovating, and informing research that is running at RSCM. INOVKI is a part under the Director of Human Resources, Education and Research in charge of managing innovation and research that takes place at RSCM so that they are suitable and beneficial for the development of RSCM. INOVKI facilitates services in the management of innovation, intellectual property rights and in the field of research that is complete and quality and fosters the spirit of researchers to innovate and publish their research results in accredited International and National Journals.


Writer: Amindy

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