Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Public Hospital (RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo) and Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI), which is a Teaching Hospital for the Faculty of Medicine UI, are included in the World’s Top Academic Health Centers (AMC) of Brand Finance version in 2023. As the best Teaching Hospitals in the world, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo occupies 36th place, whereas RSUI ranks 101–250th. “UI feels honored that at the age of 73 this year, UI Hospital is appreciated at the world level and included in the global top 250 hospitals in the world. Hopefully, UI can make more contributions to society,” said Amelita Lusia, Head of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure (KIP) UI.
This ranking assessment indicator is based on the categories of patient care, research, and teaching, as well as awareness and familiarity, both locally and globally. Brand Finance conducted interviews with Academic Medical Centers (AMC) stakeholders around the world to understand which factors determine the strongest academic medical centers.
The purpose of this ranking is to understand holistically what makes the world’s top academic medical centers excel in their fields. Brand Finance has created studies that enable a transparent and detailed understanding of the perceptions of healthcare professionals around the world, with actionable insights and clear growth targets.
The Brand Strength Index (BSI) in this ranking comprises investment (25%), equity (50%), and performance (25%). The size of the investment reflects the extent to which the institution invests in and supports the brand. AMC should improve facilities, services, accessibility, and factors that can be the focus of the management to develop their institution.
For the equity bar, stakeholders will be assessed on the extent to which they are aware of the brand and their perception of it. Therefore, brand equity has the highest weight in the BSI framework as it enhances reputation and ability to attract the best talent to AMC. Within the equity pillar, there are also funnel metrics such as awareness and familiarity at the local, regional, and international levels which constitute 25% of BSI. Higher weight is given at the international level to represent global studies.

According to David Haigh, the Chairman & CEO of Brand Finance, in a release issued, building a strong brand is a unique challenge for Academic Medical Centers because the AMC structure that offers patient care, medical research, and education needs to be considered by various stakeholders. “This year, Brand Finance has conducted a new study on the strength of the world’s top AMC brand and has combined all the factors that reflect the development of the AMC brand, the perceptions of key stakeholders, and the benefits that a strong brand provides to organizations,” he said.
He added that a strong brand is essential for developing a sustainable and successful organization by assuring patients and families; admitting outstanding doctors, top students, and greatest research staff; and producing useful research publications. In addition, good reputation has also promoted AMC to gain support from government and corporate partners to develop a strong global network. Among the world’s top AMC, the stakeholder audience has been expanding as their influence reaches across the globe, and their relevant research is developed globally.