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SAKTI Helps Accelerate the Decline of Stunting Cases in Depok

Three students from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) at Universitas Indonesia (UI), namely Audrey Hanifa Putri (2020), Anindya Nuzhmi Zharifa (2020), and Nadira Yuthie Salwa (2020), came up with the idea of Stunting Dapat Kita Atasi (SAKTI) application to accelerate the decline of stunting cases in Depok. SAKTI has a feature of group segmentation for users, which is the “Parents and Children” group and the “Integrated Healthcare Center Cadres” group. Through this application, the Depok Government can monitor growth and development, nutritional intake, and parenting practices applied by the community.

“We hope to work together with the Depok Government and the Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) of Depok to realize this SAKTI application. This step is taken to empower all people of Depok City to independently prevent stunting from happening,” said Audrey.

SAKTI’s idea is accompanied by a marketing strategy, funding, and business potential. Thanks to this idea, the FKM UI team won 1st place in “Solusi Kreatif Depok Free Stunting 2022” Competition organized by the Depok Government and Bappeda of Depok.

“Depok Free Stunting 2022” is a competition that aims to create synergy between the government and the community to find the best solutions and recommendations to reduce the issue of stunting through digital and social innovation. This competition has been held since November 2022. On November 24, works were collected, and on November 29 the 10 best teams were selected. The winner announcement was held on Sunday (11/12), at Kode Creative Hub, Depok Town Square.

Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs of FKM UI Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, M.Sc. appreciated the student’s achievements. She said that this was one of the contributions from the campus to participate in solving the nation’s problems, especially stunting, whose prevalence is still high.

“This is a form of Pentahelix collaboration that we can contribute in the form of an application according to the current digitalization era. SAKTI application made by FKM UI students can be used by mothers and cadres to monitor the growth of toddlers. Thus, we hope that early monitoring of children’s growth can be monitored properly to anticipate stunting incidents,” said Dr. Asih, who is also an academic advisor from the Department of Nutrition of FKM UI.

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