Eyestrain caused by frequent staring at gadgets or monitor screens leaves questions when it wants to be resolved. The Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) was interested in organizing a self-acupressure training to overcome eye fatigue or asthenopia. The online training was attended by 170 participants. The majority of the participants were office employees who work using gadgets or work in front of a monitor screen for a long time.
The training which took place at the end of November 2021 was a form of community service (pengmas) led by dr. Sri Wahdini, M.Biomed, Sp.Ak., and was involved by lecturers and students of the Medical Acupuncture Sp-1 Study Program. This activity aims to provide information about eyestrain and their management, especially for office workers. “Eyestrain (Asthenopia) is a condition when the eyes experience tired due to continuous use (work) for a long time/excessive. Complaints that are often felt include painful, sore, itchy, watery, or dry eyes, followed by blurred vision or glare against light,” said dr. Sri Wahdini.
The lecturer who teaches at the Department of Pre-Clinical Parasitology of FK UI also conveyed preventive measures that can be taken due to eyestrain during community service activities. “One way to prevent and treat complaints due to eyestrain is with self-acupressure. Self-acupressure is the massaging or pressing of acupuncture points using fingers or certain tools performed on one’s own body.” He continued that self-acupressure for eyestrain has advantages, which it is relatively safe to be applied by anyone, anytime, and anywhere and can prevent and reduce complaints of eyestrain due to working, for example staring at a monitor screen.
The community service activity invited several speakers including dr. Astri Mulyantini, Sp.Ok who gave an explanation of the symptoms, signs and prevention of eyestrain, while dr. Irma Nareswari, B.Med.Sc, Sp.Ak, and dr. Didi Blueuardi, Sp.Ak delivered material on how to and practice acupressure independently to treat eyestrain.
This activity was carried out with the support of Directorate of Community Service of Universitas Indonesia (DPPM UI) through the Community Service and Empowerment Program Grant. The service team hopes that this activity can be held regularly because with self-acupressure training using online methods, many people from various regions can take part in training and feel the benefits of self-acupressure.