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Seven New Smart Classrooms at the Faculty of Engineering

Depok, June 12th, 2023. The addition of modern educational facilities at the Faculty of Engineering has increased rapidly with the inauguration of the seven newest smart classes which were donations from FTUI partners. The inauguration was held on June 6. It is hoped that in the future, the addition of modern educational facilities will become a new foundation for enhancing interactive, collaborative, and up-to-date learning experiences for FT students.

The handover of the seven smart classrooms was carried out by Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and donor partners, namely Sehat Maulana, Chair of FT Alumni Golfers and Vincent, Indonesia Enterprise, Government and Public Utility Development Department Director PT Huawei Tech Investment (2 classrooms); Mulyanto SVP Corporate Secretary PT. Dayamitra Telecommunications Tbk. (1 classroom); Heri Fahmi, President Director of PT Total Tanjung Indah (1 classroom); Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs (1 classroom) and representatives of parents of students who donated 2 classrooms. All of these smart classrooms are placed in the S Joint Lecture Building at FT.

”Modernizing educational facilities is something that must be done by educational institutions to maintain the quality of education and ensure the competitiveness of our graduates so that they are able to compete globally in the field of engineering. FT began to revitalize our classrooms from traditional classrooms to smart classrooms in 2019. With this inauguration, FT now has 15 smart classrooms that are used for learning activities. Our target is to modernize 50 FT lecture halls into smart classrooms before 2025,” said Prof. Heri.

Smart Classroom FT is not only a study room equipped with modern hardware, but also an interactive space where students and lecturers can collaborate in the learning process. Through technology integration, students will have the opportunity to access digital resources, participate in active interactive discussions, and develop their critical and creative abilities.

FT smart classrooms can accommodate 40-60 students. The table and chair formations in the room can be changed according to the required lecture model. These smart classrooms are equipped with interactive smart boards, smart TVs, poly studio facilities, and smart projectors that have various advanced features to support various offline and hybrid learning models.

Prof. Heri revealed that FT’s Smart Classroom is a form of FT’s commitment to providing a learning environment that is modern, interactive, and involves technology as well as the embodiment of the Modernization of Engineering Education strategy. “The FT Smart Classroom will be a place where knowledge and technology meet, giving students the opportunity to develop skills that are relevant to the demands of the work fields. By combining technology and education, smart classrooms provide a more interactive, engaging, collaborative and adaptive learning experience. The modernization of educational facilities at FT will enrich the learning and teaching process and prepare students to face the demands of the ever-evolving digital world.”

The existence of smart classrooms is expected to support students and lecturers in terms of learning activities. It is also a form of physical realization of one of the FT Dean’s eleven flagship programs for 2022-2026, namely the development of educational facilities that can accommodate the needs of engineering students.

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