As one of the universities with the best quality education in Indonesia, excelling at the Southeast Asian level and being world-renowned, Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a working visit from Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) in order to attract foreign students to take a degree program in their campus. This visit was welcomed by the International coordinator as well as the official of the International Affairs UI Alfrida Esther Madame Hutapea, S.Sos., at the Rectorate Building, UI Depok Campus, on Wednesday (15/3).
As the Head of the International Center Undiksha, Nice Maylani Asril, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. said, “Currently, there is a growing number of foreign students at Undiksh. There are around 50 foreign students taking degree programs and more than 200 foreign students taking short courses. However, for short courses, only 192 foreign students were listed. Most foreign students only take language and culture courses.” The Secretary of the Cooperation Center Undikhsa Dr. Kadek Eva Krishna Adnyani, S.s., M.Si. was also present at the occasion.
She added, the purpose of this visit is that Undiksha wants to find out and learn about attracting foreign students to take degree programs as was successfully carried out by UI. In attracting foreign students’ interest in taking the degree programs, UI held UI GREAT program. UI GREAT itself is a scholarship for talented foreign students. However, in accepting foreign students, there are definitely many considerations and requirements that must be considered.
“For students who have calling visas, we usually eliminate them immediately, but there are several of them that we still accept if these students have potential. Certainly, we need to monitor them,” said Alfrida. She also explained technical matters related to monitoring foreign students who have calling visas, one of which is through monitoring their domicile from their origin country.
She also said that currently UI is recorded as having approximately 2,000 foreign students coming from various countries in the world. On this occasion, UI shared many tips on attracting foreign students as well as strategies and systems that must be prepared in overcoming problems in accepting foreign students in the future.
Author: Reza | Editor: Maudisha AR