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SMV HORE Universitas Indonesia Team Won First Place for Fuel-Efficient Car Prototype Competition

At a time when energy-efficient cars are in the public conversation, students from the Universitas Indonesia (UI) have come up with a prototype of an energy-efficient car that is their innovation in the 2021 Mobil Hemat Energi (Energy-Efficient Cars Competition) Contest. The group of students who are members of the Supermileage Vehicle Team HORE Universitas Indonesia (SMV HORE UI) returned home with the first place position in the prototype category for the gasoline internal combustion engine class at Energy-Efficient Cars Competition 2021 (November 15-20, 2021) at the Gelora Bung Tomo Circuit, Surabaya.

2021 Energy-Efficient Cars Competition is a competition organized by the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This year, 24 teams from various universities participated in the event that took place at Surabaya State University.

In the competition, there are two categories, namely the prototype category which competes for futuristic vehicles with special designs that maximize efficiency, and the urban category which competes for four-wheeled vehicles with general designs for driving on the streets. Both are designed for the same purpose, which is to travel the furthest distance on only a liter of fuel.

The SMV HORE UI team won by bringing the Keris RVIII car technology which weighs 40 kilograms and uses carbon fiber, honeycomb, and aluminum materials so that this car can run as far as possible with as little fuel as possible. “In designing, building, selecting car components and materials, Keris RVIII has gone through careful calculations and simulations through software by our team. We also continue to simulate combustion in the engine so that the combustion in this car is more optimal,” said Stephanus Keagan, Team Leader of SMV HORE UI.

“We also made some improvements in the electrical, steering, and engine parts of the car. We also often conduct tests drive to test the variables that are contested in 2021 Energy-Efficient Cars Competition. We did all of this in order to prepare the car to be the best in this competition,” Stephanus added.

Regarding pandemic conditions, the selection stage in the 2021 Energy-Efficient Cars Competition activity is carried out using a hybrid method while still observing health protocols.

The main team of SMV HORE consists of five students from the Faculty of Engineering of UI, namely Edward, Muammar Shaddam Kusnandar, Muhammad Wildan Nugraha, Rayhan Danendra Wiracalosa, and Stephanus Keagan Riantoputra. The SMV HORE support team consists of 16 people, namely Achmad Alvien Nurhidayatullah, Andriko Rasta Indriantomo, Arifa Shelina Adjani, Ariza Aulia Ghifari, Edgar Nagok Nahum, Gabriella Emristy, Leo Triyana, Marsya Renatha Bahasoean, Muhammad Alfan Fuad Dzia Ul Haq, Rai Zulfikar Satriagama, Raihan Tsaqif Abyanudin, Ricky Rahman Papudi, Yoga Cahya Nugraha, Akmal Rayhan.

“Our short-term target is to continue this victory and excel at the international level, such as the Shell Eco Marathon competition. We also want to inspire all engineers in Indonesia, that there is always room for improvement, therefore never be satisfied in achieving a goal or goal to be achieved,” said Stephanus.

Energy-Efficient Cars Competition was originally called the Indonesia Energy Marathon Challenge (IEMC), an annual energy-efficient car competition organized by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November starting in 2012. In 2015, IEMC was renamed Energy-Efficient Cars Competition and the event was rotated across universities in Indonesia.

UI once hosted the online Energy-Efficient Cars Competition in 2020. In 2021, Energy-Efficient Cars Competition carries the theme “One Guts to Save Energy” with the aim of uniting souls to preserve nature. The great hope of organizing this competition is that people can have a high awareness of environmental conservation efforts through the concept of energy-efficient vehicles.

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