Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, 9.1 million Indonesians were unemployed in 2021, with most of them being educated unemployed. This number is expected to increase if labor absorption ( demand side) from the private sector does not increase. This concern is justified as the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is the lowest in Southeast Asia, at 3.47% of the total population.
To foster entrepreneurship in Indonesia, it is necessary to introduce entrepreneurship, especially among youth or students. Santri are a very large number of human resources (HR). The Ministry of Religious Affairs noted that in 2016 there were 4,290,626 santris spread across 28,194 pesantren in the country. Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of human resources of students and community education institutions, such as Islamic boarding schools, are part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the world.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) is committed to supporting the achievement of these goals. Through the FEB UI 2022 Community Service Program (#pengmasgerakansosialfebui), the FEB UI Lecturer Team led by Dr. Rambat Lupiyoadi, S.E., M.E. initiated a social movement program entitled “Santripreneur Educamp”. This breakthrough entrepreneurial learning model has the concept of camp, training, and mentoring the growth of entrepreneurship of students through trigona honey bee cultivation.
In collaboration with Pondok Dar El Furqon (DEF) Depok, the camp was held on August 6-7, 2022, at the DEF Campus in Pancawati Village, Kec. Cikreteg, Kab. Bogor. After the camp and training, the activities continued with mentoring until the end of August.
The educamp concept in this program combines educational activities, both indoor and outdoor. Indoor activities are in the form of learning related to how to understand entrepreneurship and Islamic business; steps to become a young entrepreneur; beekeeping business opportunities and beekeeping technology; as well as the motivation and character of an entrepreneur.
The outdoor session was in the form of cultivation practices which included the preparation of bee food source vegetation; preparation of bee colonies; colony care; predator prevention and honey harvesting techniques; to product packaging and marketing. In this activity, Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Engineering Beekeeping Expert Facilitator, Dr. Muh. Sahlan; Honey Entrepreneur, Akso Diana, Spt.; and DEF Leader, Dr. Refdeka Adrianto were also present.
During the activity, participants stayed in tents; participated in a series of outings, such as gymnastics and playing games; and trekking to love nature around Pancawati Village. A total of 30 participants from various boarding schools, such as DEF, An Nur, Nurani, Darunnasihin, Daarul Ulum, Riyadul Mutaalimin, Al Ustmani, Ibnu Hajar and Madinah Alhijrah boarding schools, participated in the activity.