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Strengthening Emergency Response, UPT K3L UI Conducted an Emergency Drill for UI Academics

In pursuing the implementation of Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment (K3L), Universitas Indonesia (UI) continuously prioritizes creating a comfortable, safe, orderly, and healthy atmosphere in the UI campus environment. UI through the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of K3L under the field of Fire Prevention and Emergency Response, held an Emergency Response Simulation at the University Central Administration Building (PAU), UI Depok Campus (01/03). In order to strengthen the Rapid Response Team (RRT) for UI academics and community, an emergency drill was held including training on awareness of emergency management, earthquakes, fires, medical incidents, and vertical rescue.

The Vertical Rescue Evacuation technique was carried out from the 7th floor of the PAU building. This technique is chosen as an alternative if the conditions of the emergency evacuation route cannot be used in the process of rescuing and evacuating victims.

This activity was carried out thanks to the support, cooperation, and active participation of all work units within the University Central Administration. The Directorate of Operation and Maintenance of Facilities, the Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau, the Satellite Clinic, the UPT of Campus Environmental Security (PLK), the Emergency Unit and the Occupational Safety and Health Unit (OSH) at Universitas Indonesia Hospital, as well as the Fire Department of Depok City are the related units for this simulation.

Coordinator of Management of Fire Prevention and Emergency Response UPT K3L UI Devi Partina W, SKM., MKKK said, “This emergency response simulation was carried out with the aim of increasing the preparedness of UI community, facilities, and infrastructure for dealing with emergencies in the campus environment. With growing enthusiasm from the community and units at UI, this activity is routinely carried out every year as an effort to build preparedness in handling emergencies and disasters on the UI Campus,” said Devi.

Author: Giany Allysia Putri | Editor: Finda Salsabila

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