Adib Mumtaz Irfani, a student of Social Welfare Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI), won two awards in the category of Best Project Group and Best Male Presenter at The 5th Istanbul Youth Summit (IYS) 2022. International Conference event was attended by young people from various countries. He excelled among 200 participants from Palestine, Jordan, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey, and Indonesia.
IYS aims to hone talented youth in various fields, build youth leadership character, and build an existence in the international arena. This year, IYS raised the theme “Development Response Plan of The Youth in Crisis Recovery” with five different subthemes of Economy, Education, Public Health, Mental Health, and Public Policy. Adib participated as a delegate who competed in Public Policy. .
In the competition, the participants were grouped into several teams and asked to create a social innovation as a solution to accelerate the recovery process of the Covid-19. For the quest, Adib and his team designed a platform that won in the Best Project Group category.
“The platform is simply named Muda Memanggil.” Based on the philosophy as a forum for voicing the voices of youth in Indonesia related to public policy issues The core of the program is to increase awareness regarding public policies and advocacy for present issues. Considering the limited resources of a student,” said Adib.
Adib further said that the challenge he got was how to create an innovative idea that was unique and different from the other 200 participants’s. The next challenge is to be able to show a comprehensive logical flowin the idea formulation process.
In addition to winning the Best Project Group award, Adib also made his achievements in the Best Male Presenter category. “I represented my team to pitch ideas in front of the jury and one of them came from Harvard Medical School. In the process of delivering the material, what distinguishes me from other participants is the process of delivering the logical flow of program formation, so that it becomes a unique value for me. Surprisingly, one of the participants was a master’s degree student at the University of Glasgow,” said Adib.
The IYS competition provides an opportunity for young people to prepare themselves to become a generation that has advantages, has a leadership spirit, thinks dynamically, and has a high spirit of improving. This is in line with the Indonesian government’s mission to prepare the next golden generation of Indonesian golden era in 2045. This program provides an experience to socialize in the international stage. This is waht is considered able to increase the courage and soft skills of the young generatio for the future.
Through this competition, Adib admitted that he had many exciting experiences, apart from the opportunity to participate in competitions with students from various countries, but also the opportunity to see the beauty of Istanbul and train himself to fight the fear of speaking in front of many people.
“Of course the process is not easy to be able to speak in front of many people with confidence, after so long speaking in front of a screen. To overcome this, I tried to play an active role in the classroom and in the organization to practice confidence in expressing my opinion. Another exciting thing is the process of formulating social innovations by unifying the perspectives of each group member so that they find common grounds among the submitted inputs,” said Adib..