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Students of UI won The 1st Hackathon Hardware in Indonesia

FlowGoOnce again, students of Universitas Indonesia got an achievement on  The 1st Hackathon Hardware Competition in Indonesia that was held on  March 7th to 8th 2015. The competition that was titled ‘Indonesia’s First Internet of Things Big Data Innovation Challenge’ announced that FlowGo Team and Sunsquare Team from Universitas Indonesia got 1st and 3rd place on  Hackathon Hardware and got an opportunity to presenting their work on the exhibition of Big Data Week 2015 on March 9th to 10th 2015 at Jakarta.

Digital water measurement tool

FlowGo was a combination team that was consists of Faculty of Computer Sciences students and Faculty of Engineering students who was also a Robotic Team of Universitas Indonesia. The members that consists of Darwin (Student of Computer Sciences, 2011), Novian Habibie (Student of Computer Sciences, 2011), Lintang Adyuta Sutawika (Student of Electrical Engineering, 2011), Ismi Rosyiana Fitri (Student of Electrical Engineering, 2012), and Aldwin Akbar (Student of Computer Engineering, 2013), was successfully presenting a digital water measurement that combined hardware and software system and used Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data concept.

This digital water measurement tool would help the user to monitor the water usage by on-line. By using the flow meter censor, this tool could measure the amount of water that is going through the censor, then the censor would send the data to the micro controller by using GPRS. The data of water flow would be processed by the server data and would be displayed on website and mobile application forms. Beside that, the statistic data of this tool would also be displayed on graphical form and track record table per times so that the user could see and count the cost that they should pay.

Being success on taking the 1st place on Hackathon Hardware Competition, this tool could also be integrated with the data processor system on large scale to monitor the water usage of an area. If each building used this tool, then those buildings would send the data of water flow to the server data. Thus, this tool could help the government to monitor the water usage of an area and show the detail of which building that use water properly or excessively.

Jemurin (Jemuran Integrated System)

Incorporated on Sunsquare Team, Riza Herzego Nida Fathan (Students of Information System, 2011), Yusuf Cahyo (Alumni of Computer Science, 2011), Muhammad Faris (Students of Information System, 2013), Kurniagusta Dwinto (Students of of Computer Science, 2011), and Irfan Nur Afif (Students of of Computer Science, 2011) successfully answer the people’s worries about their hanging laundry on changing weather. The system that got the 3rd place on Hackathon Hardware Competition was called ‘Jemurin’.

Jemurin is a hanging laundry tool that was integrated with a sun detector system. The changing weather (bright and rainy) would be detected by the system, after that the system would pull or extend the hanging laundry automatically. For example, when the system detect that the rain is pouring, then the system would pull the hanging laundry and so does the reverse. Jemurin could also be accessed by website, mobile application and even send the short message notification to its user.

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