In order to improve the quality of legal products, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Legislation and Legal Services Bureau (BLLH) organized a technical guidance (Bimtek) for Planning legal products for the administration and management of Universitas Indonesia at The Margo Hotel, Depok, on Thursday (27/10). This technical workshop guidance involved 120 participants who were representatives of 17 faculties and 33 units at the University Administration Center (PAU).
The University Secretary of UI, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said in her opening speech, “At this meeting, we will look closely at all organs to develop regulations for daily activities. In its application, there is still confusion and misunderstanding regarding legal products and regulations that are not appropriate from the point of view of the process of their formation and from the point of view of their substance. Hopefully with this activity can develop the system in the UI environment and all organs. Everything has been regulated through the rector’s regulation on how special work units can operate, including producing legal products within UI,” said dr. Augustine.

The objectives of this activity include understanding the process of making a Draft of UI Rector Regulation; understand the requirements of the Application for Decision Making and/or UI Rector’s Regulations; understand the process of initialing and signing the Decree and/or Regulation of the UI Rector; understand the process of storing the Decree and/or Regulation of the UI Rector; maximize the value of UI performance by increasing the principles of openness, accountability, trustworthiness, responsibility; encourage all Rectors to make decisions professionally, transparently and efficiently; Encouraging the Chancellor to make decisions and carry out actions based on high moral values and compliance with applicable laws; and understand the format for the draft of the Rector’s Decree and/or the UI Rector’s Regulation.
In its implementation, there are four materials presented from each resource person, namely the Head of the Legislation section of the Legal Status of State Property Assets (BMN) and Universitas Indonesia Property (BM UI) by Rike Yolanda Sari, S.H,. M.H., Head of Academic Legislation and General Administration by Dewi Iriani, S.H., M.H., Head of Cooperation Agreement Drafting by Abdul Rahman Lubis, S.H., M.H., and Head of Litigation and Non-Litigation by Puti Shelia, S.H., M.Kn. In addition, the speakers also invited the participants to discuss and practice the material that had been presented.
As one of the resource persons, Rike provided an explanation and overview of the proposed procedures and processing stages of the Rector’s Regulation (PR). It also includes directions on the format of the regulation, the sections of the Rector’s Regulation, and the details of the articles in the tabulation.
“We at BBLH also accept consultations if there are any legal issues related to legalization in the processing of rules or legal products at UI, or maybe you just want to discuss, we are very open. You can come directly to BLLH, contact us, or email us at,” said Rike.
Meanwhile, Dewi explained, the Academic Legislation and General Administration section makes other document formats in the form of Office Memorandum, Submission Proposal Sheet, Rector’s Decree and Rector’s Regulation. In addition, this section also has the task of conducting internal monitoring and evaluation activities of Academic Legislation and reporting to the Head of BLLH.
The Head of the Cooperation Agreement Drafting Section explained about the preparation of UI cooperation which emphasizes the importance of the Rector’s Delegation Letter. This letter is addressed to the official who is authorized to sign the cooperation agreement consisting of the Vice Chancellor / University Secretary / Director of Vocational Education Program / School Director / Head of Special Work Unit (UKK). The Delegation Letter is one of the conditions for the validity of the cooperation agreement for and on behalf of UI.
At the end of the activity, the Head of the Litigation and Non-Litigation Section also socialized a set of regulations related to the mechanism for resolving violations of discipline in the UI environment, including the Rector’s Regulation on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence. This regulation aims to serve as a guideline for formulating policies and taking action to prevent and handle sexual violence. In addition, this regulation is also expected to create a campus life that is humane, dignified, equal, inclusive, and collaborative.
Head of the Legislation and Legal Services Bureau Sony M. Sikumbang, S.H., M.H., said that improving the capabilities of each unit will certainly help smooth the formation of regulations. “It is hoped that this technical guidance can support the realization of field indicators, namely the implementation of organizational regulations that regulate working relationships between government agencies, organs, fields, faculties, work units to be aligned towards the strategic goals of effective governance,” said Sony.