Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB., the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), delivered his speech in the joint discussion of the 73rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine entitled “Bersatu Berkarya untuk Indonesia Sehat” (Uniting to Work for Healthy Indonesia). He started his speech with good news that Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Public Hospital (RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo) and Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RS UI), which is an educational hospital for FKUI, were listed in the World’s Top Academic Health Centers (AMC) of Brand Finance version in 2023, on Thursday (09/02) at FKUI, Salemba. This achievement, he said, proved that FKUI has been appreciated by the world and has been backed by the support and collaboration of FKUI Alumni Association (ILUNI FKUI).
“ILUNI FKUI are vigorously supporting each other so that their colleagues can become professors. The output of their support is the increase of research, innovation, and publication—which are parts of the three pillars of higher education—that will eventually lift FKUI and UI to be able to compete at the global level,” he said.
He continued that FKUI consistently carries out the three pillars of higher education activities in order to realize UI as an Entrepreneurial University. “In 2022, Glaucoma Impant is an innovation produced by the FKUI team led by Dr. Virna Dwi Oktariana Asrory, Sp.M. It is an innovative product that has been developed in collaboration with PT Rohto, whose achievements in Indonesia are remarkable, and in 2023 it will go international,” he said.

This matter is in line with what was conveyed by Rector of UI Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., that in the health and prosperity of the nation, FKUI represents the environment of micro entities that have an impact on the macro economy. “Therefore, our country has the task of enhancing the people’s welfare through innovation. This innovation leads to an increase in welfare,” said the Rector of UI.
He said, in 1961 Robert Merton Solow, an American economist, won the Nobel Prize in economics with this model. “Then there are observations from East Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and now China that can approach the United States in per capita income. This cannot be explained by the accumulation of physical capital. Hence, what was done by the next Nobel laureate Paul M. Romer is that he saw human capital, and education, health, research, and development were sources of innovation in it,” he continued.
The Rector of UI explained that in the health sector, there is the term ‘inclusive health’ where health is an ecosystem, starting from producing research and development on how to educate people to become a doctor, providing services, and providing health support from pregnancy to medical devices. “If there is a breakthrough, for example health transformation with a new policy from the Ministry of Health, there will be a shift in the curve (transformation). This is what we hope for from the FKUI Anniversary, reminding us that FKUI has an obligation to make contributions since the basic capital is already high. Next, there must be continuous improvement and feedback, so we can give a signal that we are getting better,” said the Rector of UI who is an expert in Macro and Microeconomics.
At the end of his speech, the Rector of UI said the achievements of FKUI, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, and RSUI also have to do signaling. According to him, looking at the international ranking list, the hospitals which are placed at the top of the list have the potential to become international collaboration partners. “In other countries, it has become a source of foreign exchange with patients from abroad who are interested in medical tourism. It can also be researchers and residencies from RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo who come abroad or vice versa,” he said. He concluded his speech by saying that the theme for this year’s FKUI Anniversary is a very right fit because Uniting to Work for Healthy Indonesia is a micro job but has a macro impact.

The keynote speaker at the 73rd Anniversary of FKUI on Thursday (09/02) was the Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, Ph.D. He discussed the important issues of global health emergencies because the world has faced more than eight world health emergencies. The eight emergencies include the Covid-19 pandemic. The existence of an emergency situation is followed by the development of responses to emergencies starting from isolation, prevention (sanitation/cleanliness), medicine, and vaccines.
“In the future, the threat of global health emergencies will be increasingly complex and multifactorial, not only coming from humans but also coming from animals, plants, and even global change factors. Currently, WHO has developed global standards for responding to emergencies, and Indonesia is one of the countries that has followed these global standards,” he said.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia is better prepared in the four pillars of strategy, which are surveillance, therapeutics, vaccinations, and health protocols as strategies for dealing with a pandemic with consistency towards the four main pillars. Prof. Dante further said that after the pandemic, the strategies for dealing with the next emergency that needed to be strengthened as Indonesia’s health resilience system are in accordance with the pillars of Health System Transformation, namely 1) expanding the network of public health laboratories, 2) domestic production of drugs, medical devices, and vaccines, and 3) medical reserve corps.
In celebration of the 73rd Anniversary of FKUI, a series of activities had been running since 2022. The series of FKUI Anniversary included a webinar & talk show, Instagram Live Ngobrol Bareng Landakers, mass circumcisions, simulation for disaster management in the emergency response phase, the highlight event of joint discussion, Fit&Fun Day 2023, various competitions, social services, and book writing.
Author: Mariana