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The student of UI got prestigious title on The 61st HNMUN

andhikaStudent of Universitas Indonesia, Andhika Putra Sudarman (FHUI 2011), successfully got “Honorable Mention” on The 61st Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) which was held on February 12th – 15th 2015 at Boston Marriott Copley Place, Massachusetts, United States of America. HNMUN is the oldest, largest and most prestigious conference that has been participated by 50 universities every year.

In this competition, each student represent a country in discussing the latest issue or topic that was chosen by HNMUN committee. On this year’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development session, Andhika who represented Greece talked about water management and security issue.

The indicator that was assessed on HNMUN consisted of leadership quality, quality of the speech, negotiation ability, quality of the paper, quality of the draft resolution and quality of the ideas that had been delivered during the conference.

In Andhika’s opinion, there were 3 points that became his key of winning on this year’s HNMUN. The first one was serenity. “When we feel worry, we become insecure and in the end, our performance will be drop. Don’t let it happen. Just take it as nothing to lose. We will think that we have everything to win as we be like that,” said him on the interview with UiUpdate by email on Thursday, March 19th 2015.

The next key of winning was mastering the matter and topic. “We can be sure and confident once we understand the matter. The formal ability will be better when we perfectly understand the matter. So, mastering the matter is really important,” he added.

The last key of winning was not easily give up. “There are some people who easily give it up when facing a condition that is hard and difficult, but I am not that one,” he said.

After his winning on HNMUN, now Andhika is preoccupied with studying at Japan on student exchange program. In between his busy schedules at Japan, he spares his time to write two books, ‘The diary of an accomplished student: notes and guides to become a national accomplished student’ and ‘The motivation to enter national university: how to emerge the motivation to be success’.

He wishes that those books could motivate the young generation to keep evolving. He also hopes that he could share more knowledge to more people by those two books. (Humas UI)

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