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Three MIPA Postgraduate Study Programs are Now Aligned with Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework

Depok, July 20th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) recently increased the number of study programs with international accreditation, through three postgraduate study programs from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). This accreditation was obtained from Accreditierungsagentur fur Studiengange der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN) in full, without conditions, with a validity period of 5 years (23rd of June 2023–30th of September 2028). The three study programs are Masters in Physics, Masters in Materials Science, and Masters in Biology. Last year, it was recorded that four undergraduate study programs had obtained ASIIN, namely the Bachelor of Mathematics, Bachelor of Physics, Bachelor of Biology, and Bachelor of Geography study programs.

ASIIN is an independent institution, based in Germany, for higher education quality assurance that focuses on the fields of Engineering, Informatics, Science, Mathematics, Economics, and Medical. Since 2000, the institution has had the right to issue an accreditation stamp from the German Accreditation Council. ASIIN is registered on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) until 31 August 2026. EQAR is included in the list of accreditation registers recognized by the Indonesian government.

This accreditation indicates that the postgraduate learning of the three study programs is considered to be in line with Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL). “All Masters programs at FMIPA UI offer two pathways, namely the Lecture Path and the Research Path. The three study programs are accredited for the two pathways,” said Dr. Denny R. Silaban, M.Kom., Head of the FMIPA UI Academic Quality Assurance Unit.

Dr. Denny revealed that the series of activities towards ASIIN accreditation had started from June 2022. It began with coordination and consolidation of the three study programs with the management of FMIPA UI, forming a team at the faculty level and each study program, registering with ASIIN, preparing a joint Self Assessment Report (SAR) along with supporting documents, and visitation activities. Online visitation activities were carried out in March. The facilities that were visited included the Physics Department Laboratory, Biology Department Laboratory, Integrity Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) Building, library, Satellite Clinic, UI Hospital, classrooms, and Sports Facilities (SOR). This visitation also involved leaders at the university level, faculties, departments, study programs, lecturers, students, industry users of graduates, and heads of laboratories.

Dean of FMIPA UI Dede Djuhana, Ph.D. said FMIPA UI’s commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of learning was the key to success in obtaining ASIIN accreditation. “The benchmark for the success of these study programs in obtaining ASIIN accreditation is that FMIPA tries to apply the quality standards demanded by international qualifications, not only for study programs that will take part in international accreditation, but also for all study programs at FMIPA UI. Another success factor is the quality of human resources (HR), especially lecturers, as well as laboratories in departments and study programs, which are capable of presenting high quality learning,” said Dede.

This achievement is also in line with FMIPA UI’s efforts to prepare students to become graduates who have a global outlook and are able to compete in the international arena. “Currently, FMIPA UI is also in the process of re-accreditation from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) for Bachelor of Chemistry Study Program, whose RSC accreditation will expire in December 2023,” said Dede.

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