After previously the four study programs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) won international accreditation from Accreditierungsagentur fur Studiengange der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN), recently, three other study programs underwent the international visitation from ASIIN. The study programs are Master’s Program in Physics, Master’s Program in Materials Science, and Master’s Program in Biology.

When delivering a speech at the visitation, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris said that UI is committed to continuously making efforts and improving the quality of learning. “Through global involvement, UI is able to build a sustainable academic reputation and boost its international rankings,” said Prof. Haris at the visitation activity which took place on March 13-15, 2023.
The three study programs underwent a series of visitations/audits by online peer reviews or the ASIIN assessor team. Some of the places visited virtually included Physics Department Laboratory, Biology Department Laboratory, Integrity Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) Building, Library, Makara UI Satellite Clinic, and classrooms.
According to Head of Academic Quality Assurance Unit FMIPA UI Dr. Dra. Denny Riama Silaban, M.Kom., the participation of the three study programs is an effort to improve and ensure that the quality of education at FMIPA UI follows international standards. Thus, FMIPA is increasingly recognized internationally and opens up wider opportunities for collaboration with leading universities in the world. In addition, this effort also opens opportunities for foreign students to continue their studies at FMIPA UI.
She added that the preparations made prior to the visit were not easy because they involved task forces from various study programs with different schedules and activities, not to mention equating perceptions and steps (work speed) of each study program. “For that, we created a task force for faculty and a task force for each study program that hold regular meetings. In preparation for this year, there were also two consignments which were held for 2-3 days,” said Dr. Denny.

Dean of FMIPA UI Dede Djuhana, Ph.D. fully supports and oversees the accreditation process. He said, “ASIIN accreditation is an indicator of quality improvement and the quality of the educational process at FMIPA UI that has met international standards. This recognition is important for the academic community of FMIPA UI to be widely recognized at the international and global level.”
ASIIN is an independent international accreditation body based in Germany for quality assurance of degree programs in engineering, informatics, natural sciences, and mathematics. Since 2000, ASIIN has had the right to issue an accreditation stamp from the German Accreditation Council, in addition to the ASIIN quality stamp. ASIIN is registered in The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) until August 31, 2026. EQAR is listed in the accreditation registers recognized by the Indonesian government.