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Together Advancing Indonesia, UI Holds the 95th Youth Pledge Commemoration

Depok, October 28th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) held the 95th Youth Pledge Day (HSP) Commemoration ceremony in 2023 at the Rectorate Field, UI Depok Campus, on Saturday (28/10). This ceremony was attended by the Board of Professors (DGB), Vice Rectors, Deans, Unit Leaders, and other UI academics wearing traditional regional clothing and batik clothing. With the theme “Together Advancing Indonesia”, UI Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris as the ceremony supervisor read the remarks of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Ario Bimo Nandito Ariotedjo.

He said that the momentum of the Youth Pledge Day commemoration reminds us of the history of mutual cooperation between young people who succeeded in spreading the spirit of patriotism that united the national vision in the 1928 Youth Pledge. Currently, the Indonesian government has widely opened up youth participation in national development. However, the latest technological developments and the increasingly rapid flow of information have created a gap in mastery of technology and information between generations.

Currently, youth’s mastery of technology and information and digital literacy is something that must be taken seriously. Therefore, every young person needs to have a vision, mission, and even a strategic role for the next 30 years so that development can run faster.

The strategy that can be implemented is cross-generational mutual assistance and cross-sector mutual cooperation. Dito said that this collaborative work was in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 40 Year 2009 concerning Youth and also in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 43 Year 2022 concerning Cross-Sector Coordination for the Delivery of Youth Services. At this Youth Pledge Day moment, Dito also invited all stakeholders including Ministries and Institutions, Provincial Governments, Regency City Governments, Youth Organizations, Communities and other elements to be able to collaborate in advancing the country.

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