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Towards a Golden Indonesia, Individuals with Social Character in Politics are Necessary

Recently, Indonesia celebrated National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) which became a momentum to unite the spirit to rise towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. In realizing this, it takes a revival of spirit in all aspects of life. Indonesia needs main human capital to encourage its revival and sustainability.

“We need to emphasize the process of awakening all potentials that will ultimately enable Indonesian citizens across generations. The characteristics are having national identity, being productive, and being able to build relationships,” said Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, M.Sc., Professor of Social Welfare at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Indonesia (UI).

He further said that currently Indonesia is consolidating democracy. There is still a lot of work to do. “The point is, we need people with social character in politics. Politics requires a balance of character and competence in economics, politics, and social culture,” Prof. Bambang said. He added that democracy needs to be occupied by politicians who have human values.

“There are many examples in other countries that we can learn from. Learn from politicians who have intimate characters, know public issues but are able to speak personally about the fate of their constituents,” said Prof. Bambang, who was also the Dean of FISIP UI for the 2007-2008 period.

Furthermore, he said that there are basic characters that must be embedded in Indonesian citizens, such as people who have an Indonesian identity, productive citizens, and citizens who are able to influence the world, such as diplomacy, relations, and cooperation in building networks. In addition, another important character that must be inherent in a person is solidarity that has a spirit of gotong royong (mutual help), caring, and not self-centered.

Prof. Bambang added that to be a productive citizen, one does not have to produce something commercial. This needs to be trained since childhood by doing volunteerism in social activities. “We need to be taught to take care of other people. We need people who are sensitive to the needs of their neighbors, the surrounding community, and people in poverty. This is what volunteerism is built on,” said Prof. Bambang.

According to him, the national economy must move from a natural resource economy to a knowledge-based economy. An economy based on human capital, technology, and innovation. Indonesia must consistently invest in education, technology, and human resources so they can be productive and capable of transformation.

Therefore, Prof. Bambang said that it is necessary for intellectuals of national organizations who love the nation and are responsible for the future of the country. Currently, we are preoccupied with the crisis, whereas to overcome this crisis requires long-term transformation. Therefore, this needs to be considered by people who have power and authority.

In fostering a soul that loves the nation, Prof. Bambang said that we must be sincere with many sacrifices. This country is independent because of sacrifice. “When people forget about sacrifice, this country will be fragile. As long as we are willing to benefit the environment, the country will be safe. This mindset of love and sacrifice is important to instill in us,” said Prof. Bambang.

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