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Two FM UI Lecturers Receive Inspirational ASN & The Future Leader 2021 Award

Prof. Dr. dr. Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, SpA(K) won the Inspirational ASN award and Dr. Robert Sinto, SpPD, K-PTI as The future Leader at the 2021 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) award, Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform, Tuesday (14/12) which was broadcast live on TVRI.

Prof. Rinawati was awarded the Inspirational ASN category for her innovation in developing the Mix Safe breathing apparatus for newborn babies. Indonesia has the 6th highest infant mortality rate in Southeast Asia due to asphyxia (inability to breathe) at birth. Mix Safe is expected to help newborn babies survive.

This tool is the result of two years of collaboration between experts from the Universitas Indonesia (UI), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Gadjah Mada University (UGM). The process of realizing it has gone through repeated trials until it is ready for use.

“In 2018, we obtained a patent by using almost 80% domestic raw materials. This tool is one of the mandatory tools that must be available in every health facility that helps newborns. This can certainly save the country’s foreign exchange and at the same time create jobs,” said Prof. Rinawati who is a lecturer from the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine (FM UI) UI-RSCM.

Today, Mix Safe is widely used throughout Indonesia and has been recognized as an international standard newborn breathing device. In an effort to reduce infant mortality, Prof. Rinawati has visited almost all provinces in Indonesia to train health workers to use this tool.

Apart from Indonesia, several neighboring countries have also expressed interest and have applied for Mix Safe procurement, including Dubai and countries in Africa. Dr. Robert Sinto was awarded the Adhigana Cup in the Future Leader category, for his three internationally recognized innovations, including the sepsis detection system in emergency patients, the Dengue Score, and understanding the plasma leakage that occurs in Dengue patients.

His passion as a doctor is to provide healthcare to all levels of society. With this goal in mind, Dr. Robert developed the qSOFA-lactate criteria that can be used to detect/diagnose sepsis (severe infection) in patients.

Diagnosing sepsis requires many additional tests, is relatively expensive, and is not available in all hospitals. Thus, there is often a delay in the detection and treatment of sepsis, leading to a high mortality rate.

“The qSOFA-lactate criteria that I developed are very simple and more affordable, so that the detection and treatment of sepsis becomes faster, and the mortality rate due to sepsis decreases. Now, these criteria are part of the patient care process guidelines and have been recognized internationally,” said the lecturer at the Department of Internal FM UI.

Anugerah ASN 2021 is a form of recognition and reward for state civil apparatus (ASN) who have made real and extraordinary contributions to organizations and the wider community. This time, ASN Award 2021 carries the theme “ASN BerAKHLAK” and comes with four categories, namely Exemplary Madya High Leadership Official (PPT), Exemplary PPT Pratama, Inspirational ASN, and The Future Leader.

Quoting from the website, it is stated that to be able to participate in the ASN Award 2021, it must meet the requirements and criteria determined by each prospective candidate. The requirements, among others, are that the ASN to be proposed has a good track record of position, integrity, and morality; has a minimum performance assessment of the Good category for the last two consecutive years; and has extraordinary innovations/achievements that are felt by the organization and/or society. This year’s Anugerah ASN can be followed by the Top 3 Anugerah ASN in previous years, but are not allowed to register in the same category in 2021.

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