Depok, November 7th 2023. Indonesia is expected to face the peak of the demographic bonus in 2025 to 2030. According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in 2023, the proportion of the productive age population will dominate, reaching 60 percent of Indonesia’s population. Utilizing this demographic bonus is important to achieve the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, in which one of the keys is by inviting the younger generation to become entrepreneurs. Increasing the number of entrepreneurs will open up opportunities for the creation of new jobs in order for them to encourage economic growth and community welfare.
Universities are currently increasingly encouraged to contribute to creating a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem among the younger generation. Based on these considerations, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the FIA UI Studentpreneur and Co-Creation Laboratory (LSCC) together with, a startup business developer marketplace, held a business idea competition program for youth entitled “Young Entrepreneurs Challenge (YEC) 2023”.
YEC is an annual national scale business competition initiated to raise the competitive spirit of the younger generation to continue producing innovative ideas in responding to the challenges of business competition. Aiming to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem that is comprehensive, modern and adaptive to developments in this digital era, YEC 2023 carries the theme “Young Entrepreneurs in the Digitalization Era: How to Develop Ideas and Innovate” . The series of YEC 2023 activities had been taking place since August 2023 and closed with the main event on October 28th 2023 at the UI Campus, Depok.
Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, FIA UI, Dr. Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati, S.Sos., M.Si. said, “The peak of YEC activities was held on October 28, coinciding with Youth Pledge Day. This reflects the YEC participants as young people who will build the nation in the future by creating jobs through business ideas that are now being pioneered and will later be implemented as start-ups . There are far more YEC participants this year than last year, and we hope this program will continue next year.”
A total of 193 business teams from various backgrounds and regions participated in registering and collecting business idea proposals consisting of two categories of ideas, namely digital and non-digital categories. The digital category allows participants to submit digital startup business ideas, marketplaces, and online demand online services financial technology. Meanwhile, the non-digital category includes food and beverage business ideas, tourism and culture, as well as manufacturing and applied technology.
In collaboration with practitioners from and, a digital learning and career preparation platform, YEC held an entrepreneurship webinar for 193 business teams who had registered. Furthermore, YEC also collaborated with FounderPlus, a startup incubator and accelerator, to provide workshops and business pitch training to participants. As the culmination of activities, YEC 2023 held a Final Business Pitch and Awarding .
A number of business practitioners and academics were presented as judges who assessed and provided feedback on participants’ business presentations, including judges from PT. Indonesian Pride Orbitin; Binus University; Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology; and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) FounderPlus.
The 2023 YEC winners consist of the Digital Category Champion, Non Digital Category Champion, and Social Media Choice Favorite Poster Category Champion. In the Digital Category, 1st place was won by the South Vision Team which consists of UI students and the STAN Polytechnic of State Finance. This team developed a business idea called Taxpoint, which is an application for consulting and resolving tax matters. Meanwhile, 2nd place was won by the High Five Team from UI and Gunadarma University with a business idea called Parentings; and 3rd place was won by the AJP Pride Team from Pelita Harapan University, Padjadjaran University, and Sriwijaya University with a business idea called Anti Mophila.
Furthermore, in the Non Digital Category, 1st place was won by the Purify+ team from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya with a business idea in the form of a tool to increase air freshness for families. 2nd place was won by the Ecomusa Team from the University of North Sumatra, and 3rd place was won by the Nusantara Foodie Team from UI with a business idea called Kimiepul. Four favorite posters were selected, namely from the Lumitech Team (Ecocyle), the High Five Team (Parentings), the Stembadja Team (Fixin) and the Geulis Team (Nasi Kill Time). FIA UI rewarded the creative ideas of the winners by giving a total prize of IDR 45,000,000.
“I congratulate all YEC 2023 winners from various universities. At today’s offline final pitch activity, finalists from various regions attended, showing extraordinary enthusiasm and enthusiasm from the young generation. To the 40 finalists who were not yet champions this year, all of you have actually become champions because you succeeded in defeating more than 100 business idea proposals that were submitted,” said Head of the Department of Business Administration at FIA UI, Novita Ikasari, M.Comm., Ph.D. Representing all elements of FIA UI, she also thanked all parties who had worked together to make the YEC 2023 activities a success.
Author: Public Relations of FIA UI
Editor: Dyra Daniera