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UI and Grab Indonesia Collaborate on Digitalizing the Fasilkom Canteen

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) signed a cooperation agreement with PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia (Grab Indonesia) in the areas of digitalization, renewal of canteen facilities arrangement, and development of human resources (HR). The signing of the cooperation agreement took place at Indro Suwandi Auditorium, 2nd Floor of the New Building, Fasilkom UI Depok, on Friday (9/12). Dean of Fasilkom UI Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. said that innovation in higher education needs to be accompanied by collaboration with industry. “The collaboration between Fasilkom UI and Grab Indonesia is a concrete step for Fasilkom UI in establishing cooperation with industry partners,” said Dr. Peter.

Grab Indonesia continues to develop services while at the same time encouraging digitalization in all corners of Indonesia. Country Managing Director of Grab Indonesia Neneng Goenadi explained that her party would remain focused on the business of transportation services, food delivery, courier services, and financing under the application.

As the provider of higher education, Fasilkom UI also has a mission to organize Three Pillars of Higher Education activities that is good quality and relevant to national and global challenges. The purpose of digitalization offered by Grab Indonesia to Fasilkom UI is a great opportunity to make a real contribution as proof of dedication to canteen partners at Fasilkom UI.

Several things will be carried out through this digitalization cooperation, which are the renovation of canteen facilities (facility branding) and the use of OVO as a means of payment for transactions in the Fasilkom UI canteen environment. The signing event was attended by Fasilkom UI executives, including Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs Ari Saptawijaya, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.; Manager of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations Dipta Tanaya, S.Kom., M.Kom.; and Manager of Educational and Research Cooperation Dr.Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, S.Kom., M.Sc.; and Manager of Facility Procurement, Management, and Maintenance Hafied Nur Siddiqi, S.E., M.T.I. The event was also attended by Head of the Sub-Directorate for Business Cooperation, Directorate of Cooperation UI, Andri Syahreza, who represented the executives of the University Administration Center.

The signing occasion was also attended by the Vice Deans for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration from UI faculties, which are Dr. Taufik Asmiyanto, S.S., M.Si. (Faculty of Humanities) and Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, M.Ak. (Faculty of Administrative Sciences). Meanwhile, the people from Grab Indonesia group who were present at the occasion were Director of Business in Greater Jakarta Iki Sari Dewi; Director of Partnership and Business Development Kertapradana; and Director of Territory Strategy and Customer Experience Hanief Meinanda.

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