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UI and the Nigerian Government Collaborate to Tackle the High Number of Blindness due to Glaucoma

UI is exploring collaboration with the Nigerian Government to develop education and services in the health sector. This assessment was conducted on 6–13 January 2024 in a meeting between a delegation from the Faculty of Medicine UI and representatives from the Nigerian Government in Kanu-Kaduna, Nigeria. Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria, Air Marshal TNI (Ret.) Dr. H. Usra Hendra Harahap, M.Si., supported this collaboration.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UI, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH., MMB, who led the delegation from UI, said that this meeting was a medium for sharing UI’s experience in conducting Helicobacter Pylori research, stem cells and their applications, and treating glaucoma. UI also promoted an innovative product created by lecturers “Virna Glaucoma Implant” to ophthalmologists in Nigeria because of the high rate of glaucoma.

Reporting from the National Library of Medicine page, precisely in a study “Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Glaucoma Patients in Rural Nigeria—A Hospital Based Study” (Ezinne, et al., 2021), it showed that over one million people aged ≥40 years in Nigeria have blindness and 4.25 million people have moderate to severe visual impairment. Studies showed that glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness in Nigeria, and its prevalence is higher in the Southeast region.

Therefore, UI invites the Nigerian Government to address the problem of glaucoma and invites Nigerian students to pursue health education in the Biomedical Master and Doctoral programs at the Faculty of Medicine UI. They also discussed the development of medical tourism for stem cells, especially for Nigerians seeking treatment in India and Europe.

Prof. Ari Fahrial said, “Through the Asia-Africa spirit, the Faculty of Medicine UI team hopes to be big brothers to colleagues in Nigeria by building a strong collaboration to improve public health. Hopefully, this action can bring significant benefits to the world of global health.”

The Faculty of Medicine UI representatives who attended the meeting were the Manager of Research and Community Service, Dr. dr. Rahyussalim, Sp.OT., K-Spine; Teaching Staff at the Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine UI-RSCM, Dr. dr. Virna Dwi Oktariana Asrory, Sp.M(K); Teaching Staff of the Department of Histology Faculty of Medicine UI-RSCM and Natural Killer Cell Principal Investigator of the Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering (SCTE) Cluster IMERI-Faculty of Medicine UI, dr. Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto, M. Biomed., Ph.D.; and the Secretary of SCTE IMERI-Faculty of Medicine UI, Tri Kurniawati, S.Si.

The Faculty of Medicine UI delegates were resource persons in a guest lecture at Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital Kaduna. The topics presented in the lecture were “The Update Management of Dyspepsia and H. Pylori” by Prof. Ari Fahrial; “Regenerative Orthopedic Spine Surgery is a Solution for Degenerative Spine Problems” by dr. Rahyussalim; “Stem Cell Concentration Master Program in Biomedical Science” by dr. Radiana, and “Virna Glaucoma Implant in Refractory Glaucoma” by dr. Virna.

The delegates also had the opportunity to visit AMA Pharmaceuticals Kudendan Industrial Area, National Eye Centre, Kaduna State University, and The Honorable Commissioner of Health, Kaduna State. This visit received support from the AMA Foundation.

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